Sonja Morgan Quit Drinking! Sonja And Luann de Lesseps Reveals Details On The New Season Of The Real Housewives of New York

Sonja Morgan and Luann de Lesseps were guests on Amy Phillips’ RadioAndy show on SiriusXM this morning. The ladies dropped a few spoilers and sneak peeks at the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of New York. Andy Cohen even stopped by to share his favorite moment so far as he screens the upcoming episodes.

Sonja says that we be seeing a lot of arguments over brands – namely her and Bethenny Frankel going at it over Sonja’s attempts to launch “Tipsy Girl.” Sonja says,  “Bethenny went crazy. she took it personal, she was upset.” Luann chimes in to say that there’s room for everyone – especially in the alcohol business.

On newcomer Jules Wainstein the ladies agree that she’s great and the audience will love her. Sonja says “she’s a lot of fun and doesn’t take herself so seriously. She laughs at herself and I think we need that on the show.” Luann adds, “and she’s actually married!  They agree that everyone loves her, but that Bethenny (referred to as the big B) wasn’t quite as welcoming to her. Luann says Jules brings a lot to the show – she’s married, has kids, is funny and glamorous, etc.


On her engagement to Tom D’Agostino , Luann gushes, “I’m so happy. He has no baggage.”  They’re getting married on New Year’s – which is also his 50th birthday. She says he loves the same things she loves and has her same sense of humor. He’s her soulmate. She reveals that Dorinda set them up. Dorinda called up Luann and said she had the guy for her – a male Luann. She confirms again that she’ll lose her countess title, but she says she carried it long enough and she’ll still have her Countess Collection. Luann muses that maybe she’ll just change Luann to Countess. Sonja says that she better just stick to Mrs. D.

Luann reveals that she tried to set Sonja up with her ex-husband. “I tried. I’d love nothing more than to see Sonja in a serious relationship with an older man – somebody rock solid.” Sonja admits that she had fun staying at Luann’s house while he and their kids were there (Luann was in Ibiza) and they went to parties and took “family” pictures and whatnot – but Sonja says he’s too handsome. And “I don’t really go for titles because then you have to behave yourself.”

Sonja reveals that we’ll see Luann staying with her at the townhouse this season and jokes that now it’s her turn to move in with Luann. Luann confirms “I was staying with Sonja because I was looking for an apartment in New York and I had to be filming.” Sonja says they were dating a lot.  (This was pre-Tom)

How this season of RHONY compares to last season? Sonja says everything is gelling this time and everyone knows what buttons to push on each other.

Andy Cohen joins in the show and says he was just watching episode 7 and there’s a hilarious scene of Luann and Sonja waking up in the townhouse after the party at Madame Paulette (probably the one where Ramona gets booted to the curb), and they’re wearing fur coats and negligees and freezing their butts off because Sonja hates to turn the heat on in her house. Andy promises there will be plenty of laughs over their Odd Couple roommate situation this season.

Andy says that NY makes him laugh the most – especially watching Luann and Bethenny react to the antics of Sonja and Ramona, “who are from another galaxy”.

Sonja reveals that she has quit drinking to “shut the biotches up!” She says after they hassled her over Atlantic City last year, she decided to cut back to only wine and champagne, but the ladies still gave her a hard time and then Ramona tried to give her “an intervention” and so Sonja called it quits on everything to shut them all up.

Luann admits that she got very protective of Sonja this season because the ladies were picking on her too much. Sonja adds, “it’s the jealous bitches who are always snitches.” Luann says they tried to exclude Sonja from parties and such.

Another mini spoiler: we’ll get to see a little more Sonja caburlesque this season because she didn’t want Jules to miss out on the experience of it! She did worry that people were over it, but everyone in the studio assured her that we’re not!

Sonja also revealed in the interview that she’s now releasing her second collection and this time it includes swimwear pieces and a new jewelry collection.



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