Kelly Dodd Slams Meghan Edmonds; Says Shannon Beador Is Invested In Keeping Vicki Gunvalson And Tamra Judge From Reconciling

Who would have ever thought that Kelly Dodd would be getting along with all of her Real Housewives of Orange County co-stars except for Meghan Edmonds? Not only was last year a controversial first season for Kelly, but Meghan was the “friend” who brought her into the cast.

At this point the two of them are constantly coming at each other and scrutinizing every word that comes out of the other person’s mouth.

Kelly addressed Meghan’s accusations against her in a Bravo blog post. Kelly wrote, “I want to start by addressing some misdirection and spin MEghan used when commenting about me in her blog last week. Meghan called me a ‘liar,’ ‘an opportunistic liar.’ Yeah, right!”

Kelly continued, “When discussing our text exchange, as I read out it loud for the ladies at drag queen bingo, she said ‘And unlike Kelly, I do actually have the texts to prove it!’ About me, Meghan says, ‘She lied in her blog last week when she said, ‘It’s a damn good thing that I kept those texts messages to show the women the truth…because those were MY saved texts and she was reading from MY phone at the table.'”

She clarified, “Meghan is correct; it was her phone that I was quoting from. At drag queen bingo, I did not have my other phone with me, so I was unprepared. However, Meghan had text messages ready to go. Why? Because, she intended to air our ‘affair text exchange’ at the first opportunity.” I would like to think that Meghan could have a better story line than talking about a text exchange that went down months before the season was filmed, but then again…

Plus who cares about who had possession of the screen shots from a conversation when no one was refuting the words that were exchanged? It’s an irrelevant point, Meghan. Nevertheless, Kelly wrote, “When did you ever hear me say I was reading texts from MY phone? What I said was, ‘it’s a good thing I kept those texts,’ which I did, and have. Is an omission of facts a lie? Sometimes, but in this case, I never misrepresented that I was using my phone.”

Kelly explained, “In reality, the fact that the texts were on her phone simply reinforces that truth that she started this fight. In my previous blogs, I have already proven she was hell bent on airing the issue and perpetuating rumors.”

Kelly wasn’t done correcting Meghan’s words about her. Kelly continued, “Meghan then goes on in her blog to say, ‘Let’s face it, Kelly was dating and engaged to someone else WHILE she was still married to Michael [Dodd]…she’s hardly someone to spread marital gossip.’ How convenient of Meghan to omit the fact (she damn well knows) that, only after Michael and I had filed for divorce, did I get involved with someone else. Michael and I were divorcing for two years before we reconciled. Our separation was the most difficult time of my life.”

After feeling for Kelly after Meghan’s low blow about the separation from Michael, Kelly went for the jugular. Kelly wrote, “Michael has always been there with me at every medical procedure. For example, when we were going through IVF, he attended every doctor visit, administered all of my shots, he was present when the embryos were implanted, as well as attending all my prenatal care appointments. Not all of our husbands are so supportive, right Meghan?”

A BLATANT dig right there. Just when Kelly was making a valid point, she went a step too far, again.

And then she finally discussed the latest RHOC episode. Kelly recalled, “At first, I was hoping that the camaraderie from the volleyball game would carry over to the party. It didn’t take long for my hopes to be dashed.” Which is what happens at every event on this show.

Kelly said, “I have to say I was impressed with Tamra’s [Judge] ability to remain composed and navigate the drama that was directed at her, and swirled all around her. For once she kept her cool and kept everything in perspective.” Very subtle dig with the “for once” thrown in there.

Kelly observed, “It was interesting to see Shannon [Beador] literally stand behind Tamra to back her up in her argument with Vicki [Gunvalson], but then Tamra didn’t reciprocate when Shannon’s argued with Lydia [McLaughlin]. A smart move on Tamra’s part!”

Kelly also said, “For some reason I never actually woke to how invested Shannon is in keeping Tamra and Vicki from reconciling. Wow!”

She continued, “Lydia and Shannon just can’t seem to get their chemistry right.” That’s quite the understatement. She added, “As sweet, patient, and understanding as Lydia is, Shannon just seems to set her off. Their relationship isn’t oil and water, it’s gasoline and a match. No matter how hard she tries, Shannon somehow manages to find herself in the s*** with Lydia.” Every. Single. Time.

Kelly provided some comic relief with these remarks about Peggy Sulahian: “Then there is Peggy. This is the first time that Peggy didn’t remind us of her Armenian heritage or tell us how much everything costs. Who knew there was so much money in wheels? If I had known that I would have married the Michelin man!”

And then it came back to the feuding within the cast: “You know my relationship with Shannon is resilient when we can literally be on opposite sides of the Tamra vs. Vicki feud and then minutes later be laughing uncontrollably at Peggy’s lame attempt to insert herself into our conversation.” Why is Peggy even on this show?

Kelly addressed the random implant-fueled argument between Lydia and Shannon: “Unfortunately, Lydia misread why Shannon, Tamra and I were all squeezing each other’s legs under the table with every gaffe Peggy uttered. That set off another round of craziness.”

Kelly concluded the blog with, “Despite the Kelly + Vicki vs. Tamra + Shannon standoff in my bedroom, the misunderstanding and frustration between Lydia and Shannon, and the tension Peggy created by chiming in various topics, I somehow managed to finish the party on good terms with everyone. Maybe these women are finally starting to get me.”

RELATED: Meghan Edmonds Is Not Over Her Text Message Exchange With Kelly Dodd


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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