
Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition Episode Recap: Mo Honey, Mo Problems

Last night on Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition, it was another day and another explosive fight between Soulja Boy and Nia Riley. Things go all the way left, when Nia attempts to talk to him while he is in a mood.  Fed up with the drama, she lies in another bed and plays on her phone.  Soulja Boy is enraged that he is being ignored and a shouting match ensues. He jumps in her bed screaming and grabbing at her legs. The fight is so loud,  half the house wakes up and runs to Nia’s aide. I doubt this is the first time something like this has happened. They both seem content complaining and then going back to each other. Nia, give up on him!

Jessica Dime and Tammy Rivera pull Nia aside to console her after the fight. She is so frazzled that she can’t even get her thoughts together.  Later, Soulja Boy gives his side of the story to Tammy and Waka Flocka. He is upset because earlier that night she broke up with him. The next morning he apologizes and attempts to mend things. It seems like they go through the same cycle every episode. SMH…


Dr. Ish pulls Soulja Boy aside and explains his actions scare Nia and remind her of past pain she has endured.  He tries and fails miserably to blame her for pushing his buttons. Ugh… will this guy ever grow up?  Dr. V speaks with Nia, who admits she has a wall up because of their dysfunctional relationship. Both of them need to seek individual therapy ASAP.

Tiffany Campbell confides in Lil Mo that she feels alone in the house.  Lil Fizz only told her he loved her once, after dating a year. I’m shocked he even told her once! For some reason, she continues to compare herself to his son. This man has told her numerous times he was only was using her for sex. Why would she believe he would show her the same love he gives his son? Tiffany is either delusional or just outright crazy. Clearly, they both need a check because their storyline doesn’t make sense.

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The couples go into the Marriage Boot Camp room and find a table filled with cocktails. Their task is to concoct a drink together. As each group collects its ingredients, they realize one vital ingredient is missing, honey. In order to retrieve it, one person must go into a beehive and take it. This is where I would have failed therapy. I don’t do bees!  Soulja Boy is selected first and you can sense the fear through the screen. Jessica is excited she faced her fears. Karl Dargan and Tammy are scared, but pass the test. I was surprised that Tiffany was selected rather than Lil Fizz given his childish behavior. I thought she was going to freak out, but she completes the drill.

RELATED: Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition Recap: Sex, Lies, & FaceTime


The couples return to start making their cocktails with their newly acquired honey. Soulja Boy is still trying to win Nia back. He can be as nice as he wants, but his anger issues are still present in the background.  A few of the girls enjoy their cocktails while gossiping about how secretive Lil Fizz and Tiffany are. They aren’t secretive they just are lying for the show. It’s hard to be open when you are making the story up as you go.

RELATED: Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition Recap: Mazed And Confused

Upon returning to their drill, the experts reveal that a person was given the choice to either sacrifice themselves or their partner. Lil Fizz and Lil Mo were the only people, who chose to sacrifice their partner. Tiffany is angry after finding out she was thrown under the bus. Lil Fizz claims he did it because all the drills had been light and fun. Insert side eye emoji. We all know, Fizz just didn’t care enough to do it himself.


Judge Lynn Toler joins the group to give her thoughts. She reminds the group that they may need to accept the truth in others’ actions. Yes, Nia accept Soulja Boy is crazy.  Tiffany accept that you are single! She chastises Lil Fizz for leading Tiffany on in small ways, rather than be completely upfront. I disagree, I don’t think his disdain could be more clear. Karl finally apologizes to his wife, Lil Mo. I think his apology is BS! He didn’t admit to anything specifically, just gave a weak apology. Judge Toler gifts each person who participated in the drill with a foot rub from the partner. Tiffany is still angry and doesn’t want Lil Fizz to touch her. She goes to her room to massage her own feet. Ugh…. Okay. I care about as much as him about their fake relationship.



[Photo Credit: WE]

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