Matt Gwynne Married At First Sight

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

On this week’s episode of Married At First Sight, the experts sat down with each spouse to find out what it will take for the couples to stay together on decision day. There are less than four weeks left in the experiment and at least 50% of the couples are already doomed.  As much as I enjoy being reminded my problems aren’t so bad, I can’t help but wonder why some of these people even got married.

You have one groom who barely comes home and another couple that argues at the drop of a dime. The other couples have issues as well, but they are fixable at least. If I were an expert I would make each Married At First Sight participant take mandatory psych evaluations and self-esteem courses. Nonetheless, let’s unpack the BS drama we witnessed inside this episode.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Greg Okotie meets a married friend at a cigar lounge to get some advice. His friend immediately sees through the BS and asks the right questions. What are the real issues with Deonna McNeill and what if those things never change? Hmmmm… Can Married At First Sight hire this guy as one of their experts? He seemed to get to the heart of the issue within minutes. Greg isn’t happy with how closed off Deonna still is and doesn’t think its sustainable long-term.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Iris Caldwell and Keith Manley play a sex dice game to encourage their intimacy. The game was assigned by Dr. Pepper Schwartz to get the couple more comfortable with one another. Iris is NOT comfortable at all. She refuses to do most of the dares, much to Keith’s disappointment. He even tells her he would rather end the game if they aren’t truly going to play. Iris, Iris, Iris… SMH. It’s been two days and Jamie Thompson and his cat still haven’t returned to the apartment with Elizabeth Bice. Honestly, I think that it’s for the best. These two are like playing Russian Roulette; you never know when things will go terribly wrong. I’m sure even the cat has PTSD, at this point. I am also getting some serious ID channel vibes from Jamie.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- One Month Down, Never To Go

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Matt Gwynne pulls another disappearing act to get away from his shadow wife Amber Bowles. Of course, she has a complete breakdown because once again she hasn’t heard or seen him all day. Sigh! Amber this is getting ridiculous. This man has no intention of staying married to you. He has zero respect and what is worse is he knows he doesn’t have to have it. The last time he pulled this stunt, he was rewarded by you jumping in his lap like a dog waiting for someone to return home. Not only did you let him off the hook easily, but you also had sex with him as soon as he returned. I’m sorry; Kate Sisk took all of my sympathy for frighteningly needy women, last season. I simply have nothing left, for Amber.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

The experts have decided to have individual meetings with the option to recommit or leave the marriage. This is the first time in history this has been done before decision day. Pastor Calvin Roberson isn’t playing any games.  He wants to get past the fluff and find out what Greg isn’t getting from his marriage.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Dr. Viviana Coles asks Deonna what she thinks she needs to improve upon. She realizes that she still has issues with opening up to her husband, but wants to change. Greg feels like he needs more in order to get the next level. He has been very patient during the process and doesn’t want to push her, but knows he wouldn’t be happy if things stay the same. When asked if they are truly committed to the marriage, both Deonna and Greg, say yes. Deonna, get it together girl, or you will be alone for another 10 years.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- How Can I Trust You?

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Soooo…. Matt hasn’t come home for several nights. Oh, hell no! When he sits with Pastor Calvin he immediately lies and says he and Amber are in a good place. Who the hell does he think he is fooling? Did he really think Amber wasn’t going to cry to everyone willing to listen about him abandoning her? I don’t even think he should get the option to recommit. Put Amber out of her misery now and give Matt the boot. Then enroll Amber in individual counseling ASAP to find out why she would put up with someone like Matt.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Even Pastor Calvin has had it with Matt and his lies. He demands to know where Matt goes when the cameras leave. Matt claims he leaves to clear his mind. I guess “clear my mind” is code for “be with a random woman.” Dr. Viviana speaks to Amber and she admits that Matt is a totally different person off-camera. He ignores her messages for days. Most of the time, he returns to the apartment for one night. Amber believes there must be another woman. When asked if they are committed to the marriage, both decide to recommit. Even Dr. Viviana doesn’t understand Amber’s decision. Ummm… me neither. Matt proclaims he will show how he has changed with his actions. Chile, please that is the same crap he said last time he was caught. Frankly, I’m sick of both of them! Amber, you are clearly a glutton for punishment. No man is worth having a full mental breakdown every other day.

RELATED: Married At First Sight- Where Is My Husband?

Pastor Calvin speaks with Keith and asks about his attraction level to Iris. Keith admits that her sexual maturity is becoming an issue for him. He recounts Iris’ behavior during the sex dice game. Iris goes on and on about her precious gift and says that Keith doesn’t realize how big of a deal it is to her. Dr. Viviana challenges her to think about whether she is hiding behind her virginity. Bingo!!!!

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

I think Keith has been more than gracious about the situation. He isn’t asking you for sex, he just wants to be able to talk about sexuality, even if it’s in a game. Iris, you are the one who chose to be married at first sight. If you wanted to find someone who would have the patience of a saint, instead of seeking out the Lifetime network, maybe you should have sought out a church singles ministry.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Let me be clear, I don’t think anything is wrong with waiting until marriage to have sex. But as an adult and a married woman, you have to be able to be open and trust your partner. Keith reveals to Pastor Calvin that he doesn’t even know if he wants to take her virginity or that she trusts him with that. The way Iris reacted to that game; I would be scared to even try to cuddle with her. When asked if they are committed to their marriage, both Keith and Iris agree to stay together.

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Pastor Calvin meets with Jamie and his facial expression tells it all. Elizabeth shares her frustration with their emotional roller coaster of a marriage. She then tells Dr. Viviana about their last fight where she was called a materialistic “see you next Tuesday”. Both experts are shocked about how they argue and the name-calling. I’m sorry, but Jamie is crazy.  Elizabeth is crazy. These two people do not need to be unleashed on society together.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Elizabeth admits that she has sex with her husband at times just to avoid an argument. Jamie feels that Elizabeth uses sex as a weapon when they fight. If that’s true, Jamie definitely uses the word divorce as a weapon. Elizabeth is too much of a free spirit to be with a person who is so sensitive that he throws constant tantrums.  Shockingly, they both decide to recommit to their marriage.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Iris is worried that Keith can’t see their marriage past the initial eight weeks. Keith wonders if they can get past their obstacles. While doing chores, Keith opens up about how hesitant he is when it comes to their intimacy. Iris is shocked to learn that she isn’t the only person who feels that way. She is willing to try to explore and be open to her sexuality with the exception of sex. Yea, no… I don’t believe her. I had flashbacks of co-ed parties in 8th grade that had more action than Keith and Iris had in that dice game. Don’t get the man’s hopes up if you truly aren’t ready to do anything besides kiss with Keith’s hands folded in his lap.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Paradise Lost?

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Deonna finally realizes she could lose a chance at a great marriage if she doesn’t start to open up.  She and Greg discuss their meetings with the experts earlier that day. Greg tells a very emotional story about the circumstances of his parents’ divorce and how he never wants to hurt Deonna like that. Aww…. I love Greg. Deonna if you mess this up, I know some people who will be glad to take him.

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Matt and Amber finally have a weirdly passive-aggressive conversation about their meeting with the experts. Amber asks him why he doesn’t want to spend time with her. She feels they are physically in tune, but not emotionally. Matt sits there with the emotion of a serial killer and seems to want to be any place that Amber is not. It’s like he thinks he is beyond reproach and can’t believe she dares to scold him.

His plastic bag full of belongings would have been outside as soon as he stopped coming home. Matt seems like he is physically in pain when he says he wants to stay together. Amber then proceeds to give him a curfew and rules for communication throughout the day. LMAO!!!!!!!!! The teacher in her came out quickly when she handed down his progress report. She doesn’t believe Matt, but still wants to try.  Hell, nobody believes Matt. He will be running from that house, in less than a week.

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Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Jamie and Elizabeth have a serious conversation about their boundaries. Elizabeth is ready with a notebook full of things that she wants to change. I’m sorry, if I knew someone four weeks and I had a full page of notes about everything I hated about them, it would be a wrap. Jamie wants to dedicate one day a week to talk about their feelings. Ugh…. Jamie would annoy the hell out of me. Who wants to constantly focus on the negative and keep talking about problems nonstop? In relationships, you have to choose your battles. It has to be exhausting getting hounded constantly about sex AND problems. Where do people think this is normal?

Married At First Sight Recap- Are You Committed?

Iris attempts to make up for her poor performance with the dice game by planning a sexy night of body painting. This time things seem to at least go to second base. Keith, you better have that cold shower ready after the cameras leave. Iris gets a gold star for effort. At least she tried to be more open. Only time will tell if it’s enough.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Don’t Kiss On First Wedding Night


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]