Tom Girardi
Photo by: Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Tom Girardi Accused of Saying ‘F*ck You’ to Prosecutor During Competency Hearing

As Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fans might know, these past few years have been a ride for Tom Girardi. Tom was charged with eight counts of wire fraud, then, later, four counts of criminal contempt of court.

Then, Erika Jayne was pulled into the mix as many accused her of being complicit. Moreover, she was holding onto gifts that were likely bought with stolen money. As it stands, everything is purely alleged. Still, the alleged nature of Tom’s actions has not helped his public image.

For a time, Tom’s lawyers posited that he wasn’t competent enough to stand trial. He has been suffering in aspects of memory and competency. However, there’s now a competency hearing underway. And Tom may have confirmed his competency in the worst way.

Tom cursed at a lawyer during his hearing

Reporter Meghann Cuniff claimed she was in the gallery during the hearing and tweeted some of what she witnessed. On the morning of September 13, she penned a tweet claiming the prosecutor, Ali Moghaddas, said, “I want the record to reflect that the defendant just said ‘f*ck you’ to me.”

Cuniff said the “hearing was a bit boring” until that happened. Reportedly, Moghaddas was cross-examining a witness on Tom’s competency to stand trial. During the cross-examination, Tom dropped the f-bomb.

In her replies, she also clarified, “I didn’t hear it from the gallery, but Moghaddas noted that Girardi’s lawyers didn’t object when he pointed out the f-bomb. Moghaddas incorporated it into his cross-exam, asking the expert what the comment shows about Girardi’s ability to follow the proceedings.”

Moreover, “The expert, neurologist Stacey Wood, made clear she doesn’t approve of Girardi saying ‘f*ck you’ to a federal prosecutor in the midst of his competency exam. ‘It’s certainly rude and inappropriate. You deserve our respect,’ Wood told Moghaddas.” Things continually look worse for Tom.