John Simon Bercow

Also Known As: John Simon Bercow • Born: 01/19/1963

John Simon Bercow, a prominent figure in British politics, is known for his tenure as the Speaker of the House of Commons from 2009 to 2019. Born on January 19, 1963, in Edgware, London, Bercow pursued a career in politics, representing the Conservative Party before becoming Speaker. His time in office was marked by significant reforms and his vocal advocacy for parliamentary democracy. Bercow’s assertive and sometimes controversial style earned both praise and criticism, but he left an indelible mark on the British political landscape.

Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

Reformist Speaker

John Bercow implemented significant reforms during his tenure as Speaker of the House of Commons, aiming to modernize parliamentary procedures and promote transparency.

Divisive Figure

Bercow’s assertive style and contentious rulings made him a polarizing figure in British politics, drawing both praise for his reforms and criticism for his handling of debates.


Beyond politics, Bercow is an author, having published several books, including his autobiography “Unspeakable: The Autobiography,” offering insights into his life and political career.

Height: 5′ 7″ (170 cm)

Nationality: British

Show(s): The Traitors

Network(s): Peacock

Guest Appearances: BBC Newsnight, BBC Question Time, The Andrew Marr Show

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Children: Oliver Bercow, Freddie Bercow

Father: Charles Bercow

Mother: Brenda Bercow

Siblings: N/A

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