Taylor Armstrong’s Friends Urging Her To Enter Rehab; Plus RHOBH Casting News! Will Bravo Fire Camille Grammer?

This season Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has become a cesspool of drama – the unsavory kind, not the really dishy and delightful Dynasty kind.

In the latest sad news concerning the cast members of Bravo’s most depressing series, serial fibber Taylor Armstrong‘s friends are yet again expressing concern about her drinking.

The professional drama stirrer has also, apparently been stirring a lot of cocktails as of late – so many that friends and acquaintances are urging Taylor to consider rehab after numerous drunken episodes – several of which have been included in this season’s never-ending storyline.

“Taylor’s closest friend and advisers have told her that she needs to go to rehab,” a source tells RadarOnline. “Taylor admits that alcohol has become her crutch in dealing with Russell [Armstrong]‘s suicide, and coping with the drama of being on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.”

“While Taylor doesn’t drink every day, or during the day, and she certainly doesn’t drink and drive, whenever she does drink, she gets drunk,” the source clarifies. “Taylor primarily drinks in the evenings, at home alone, and when out socializing with friends She isn’t drunk in front of her daughter Kennedy,” the insider insists.

And Taylor admits she has a problem (only one?) but she isn’t ready to address it just yet! “Taylor recognizes that alcohol is playing a much larger role in her life than she would like, but she is refusing to go to rehab, primarily because of Kennedy. Kennedy has already endured the loss of her father, and Taylor just doesn’t want to spend any time away from her, period.”

“The network bosses haven’t gotten involved with Taylor’s drinking problem, yet though,” the source alleges. “They will if they need to, but Taylor has assured them she is handling it.”

Moving on, Camille Grammer recently learned that her ex-husband Kelsey Grammer is becoming a father again with new wife and former mistress Kayte Walsh, who is pregnant with twins. Kelsey announced the exciting news after his win at the Golden Globes, apparently shocking Camille, who had no idea!

“Camille and the children had no idea,” a source close to the family contends. “They found out about it from the media. Once again, selfish Kelsey decided to do what’s best for him with no concern for his current children. He needs to stop talking about his private life in public. It’s very hurtful for the children he already has.”

Camille recently shared on Twitter that the twins came about via “in vitro” and claims she has known Kelsey was expecting for “a couple of months,” but wasn’t aware that it was twins. Now she is speaking to The Huffington Post about her feelings on the matter. “It’s so unfortunate that he still talks about private matters,” Camille mused. “It’s hurtful to me and its disrespectful to our children.”

“He’s not thinking of the kids when he’s doing stuff like that. My daughter is 10 years old, so she’s able to watch. She’s aware of what’s going on. She hears it from her friends at school, but my son is too young. He’s still only seven. Still, I think it’s disrespectful.” I quite agree Camille!

In some very interesting news concerning RHOBH, apparently after an incredibly tumultuous season that left fans frustrated and in need of Prozac, Bravo may be re-evaluating who returns for season three over mounting concerns that the storyline is alienating viewers! Is it possible that they are again responding to the fans’ opinions? Is it possible that Taylor has replaced Jill Zarin as the most hated Housewife ever?!

Confirming that casting is still up in the air, Camille recently confessed she has no idea who will be returning next year- and they are on the hunt for new ladies!

“I guess they decided who they want and I guess they are going to start casting, looking for new housewives,” Camille spilled. “They told me they were going to start looking so it wasn’t behind my back. They were like, ‘Sorry we are doing a big casting call.’ I was like, ‘Thanks.'”

“I had a good year so I would want to go back for a third season, but they haven’t asked me yet, so I wonder what’s going on with that,” she continued. Camille doesn’t hesitate to admit the news worries her, but she understands that network’s position following a season that was troubling to viewers and doesn’t fit the image the show seeks to represent.

“When you watch the scenes between Taylor and Russell, it is uncomfortable,” Camille asserts. “I think some of the viewers feel that way. I’m glad that some of our viewers are coming back around and joining the season and our viewership is up. We took a little dip because of what happened, and I think we are on a upswing, so that is really positive.”

The Hollywood Reporter followed up on the story and was told by a Bravo rep that the network does not comment on cast negotiations and no official announcement for the third season has been made!

I predict fan favorites Lisa and Adrienne will stay (provided they want to), along with Kyle – who, love her or hate her, really adds crazy drama to the line-up. Camille has emerged as a likable character this season and many fans enjoy her straightforward and humorous approach. Still, being told things haven’t been decided yet may not look good for Season One’s most controversial Housewife, but I believe she will return next season.

My guess is also that Bravo will sign on Brandi as a full-fledged housewife. I think it goes without saying that Dana will not be returning!

As for Taylor, after seeing the majority of the editing for this season I believe Bravo is well aware of her schemes and those of Russell. I think Monday night’s episode was filmed to “save face” so to speak after the network worried it would have legal ramifications stemming from Taylor’s claims of alleged abuse; and given the fan backlash, along with the very negative direction this season took, Bravo will hopefully replace her. Numerous fans have posted that they will discontinue watching if Taylor remains on the show and online petitions have emerged to remove her from the cast. At this point I don’t believe viewers are willing to give Taylor another chance to redeem herself.

I also think Kim will ultimately remain part of the cast, unless she decides to leave. Kim would be a good recurring castmate, but she obviously doesn’t have the interest or tenacity to withstand full-time filming. Viewers are heavily invested in the Richards’ sister storyline, which incidentally helped skyrocket the show to success with the Season One finale. Next season could show a rebuilding of their relationship, which would be a welcome change in their dynamic. And Kim is apparently very hard up for money, so there’s that.

Rumors have also been bandied about that Kathy Hilton is a possible contender for a spot on the show – and we know Bravo likes to get involved in family drama (see: New Jersey, Real Housewives of)! Personally I don’t think Kathy would participate since she’s never even made a guest appearance. My opinion is that Bravo should recognize what fans want to see on the Beverly Hills show and I think they need to return to the fabulous lifestyles of the rich and outrageous!