Little Women: New York Coming Soon!


Based on the growing popularity of Little Women: LA, Lifetime has announced the next iteration of the franchise: Little Women: NY

We’ve already met one Little Women: New York cast member, Lila Call, on recent episodes of Little Women: LA.   And she was a divisive presence among the LA group, to put it mildly. Lila used to date Terra Jole’s current baby-daddy, Joe Gnoffo, and Terra is convinced that Lila wants him back (prize that he is…blech).

Lila told the Hartford Courant via Starcasm,that she’s “excited for my friends and acquaintances in Hartford to see what I can bring to LWNY.” She hopes “the LWNY show will demonstrate how our community works to build each other up with encouragement and support for each other in each endeavor that we individually take on.” Ahem – if LWNY is anything like LWLA, encouragement and support will not be the buzzwords of the day – nor the series. But here’s hoping for some positive vibes anyway! 

Lila added, “We may be small, but we have a lot of heart!”

Another LWLA connection is new cast member Jordanna James, who is also one of Miley Cyrus’ back-up dancers from her Bangerz Tour.  Terra Jole of LWLA has also toured with Miley in the past, but skipped the most recent tour due to her pregnancy

Although Lifetime isn’t giving us a firm date on the series premiere, they do tease the following on their website: 

If fans thought the ladies of LA had challenges, wait until they see “Little Women: NY.” This group of friends navigates the Big Apple while facing obstacles that test people even of average height, including hailing cabs, catching subways, traversing the crowded streets and just about everything else that’s part of a New Yorker’s hectic life.

The full cast of LWNY includes: 


Kristin Zettlemoyer – Known as one of the backup dancers in Miley Cyrus’ controversial performance at the 2013 VMAs, her current roommate is castmate Misty. Kristin is the only little person in her family and has been divorced since 2008.


Misty Irwin – Originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Misty is the party girl of the NY group. She lives with Kristin and is at the crossroads in her relationship with her boyfriend, Joe, a college football player getting ready to graduate.


Lila Call –  The ringleader of the NY gang, Lila is outgoing, optimistic and known to bring on the drama. She’s ready to start a new chapter in her life and take control of being a single gal in the city.


Jason Perez – Jason is studying Political Science at Queens College. He lives at home with his close-knit family and has worked at several New York restaurants.


Dawn Lang –  A fiercely independent career woman, Dawn currently works as a paralegal and has dealt with many health issues throughout her life. With her sister-in-law and castmate Jazmin there to support her, Dawn’s a force to be reckoned with. Despite having been with an average height boyfriend for five years, Dawn is in no hurry to settle down.


Jordanna James – Jordanna’s currently in a Broadway play and owns a burlesque group called Sass N’ Betties. She recently moved in with her average height boyfriend, Anthony, her longest relationship to date.


Jazmin Lang – Jazmin comes from an average height family and feels like she is on the brink of her big break as a little person performer. Married to Dawn’s brother David, she eventually wants to have kids, but currently has too many things on her list to do before they start a family.

(Notice the addition of a DUDE to the cast!) 

TELL US – Will you be watching? I’m in! 

[ Photo Credit: Lifetime]