Gia Giudice On Joe Giudice Going To Prison “It Could Be Worse” And She’s Trying To “Keep It All Together” For Her Family

Gia Giudice Talks Teresa & Joe In Prison on ET

14-year-old Gia Giudice, the eldest of Teresa and Joe Giudice‘s 4 daughters, is very aware of all the changes taking place in her life. As her mother prepares to return home from a year-long prison stint, Gia’s father Joe prepares to ‘go away’ to federal prison for 41 months. Following that Joe could face deportation as he is not a US Citizen. 

“It could be worse,” acknowledges Gia; trying to keep a positive attitude. “My mom doesn’t want me or anyone to get emotional, so I try my best just to keep it all together.” 

Unfortunately for Gia the reality goes beyond reality TV, but unfortunately all has been filmed for Real Housewives Of New Jersey and their upcoming spinoff Teresa Checks In which chronicles how the family is coping while Teresa is spending her lock up wiping down tables and emailing (but not reading!). 


“At least no one’s sick — that’s honestly how I think of it,” explains a very mature Gia. “They’re coming home. My mom’s coming home. My dad’s going to come home. Knock on wood, no one’s sick, no one’s dying.” 

“I’m pretty strong – I can handle it,” adds Gia. Strength Gia says she learned from her parents. (please Gia, do not confuse their denial for strength – you are too smart for this!). 

Seriously – how is Gia by far the most mature person in this family. While Joe continues to remain in denial (and in de’drink) and Teresa continues to pretend this is just a small blip that can just be smoothed over with a little sequins, Gia is literally the only adult person in this family. Thank goodness her 3 little sisters have someone whose priority isn’t faux fur, fame, or phony fortune! 

Of living through this year – and its many milestones – without her mom, Gia says she gets upset when she hears Teresa’s voice over the phone. “I wish that she were here,” she says simply.  Gia tells Entertainment Tonight she stays in contact with Teresa through phone, email, and regular visits. 

Gia and her sisters see Teresa almost every weekend. “Now it’s like the countdown [to Teresa’s release],” Gia exclaims. “She’s like, ‘Four more visits!'” 

“When my mom comes home, it’s not even something to prepare for. I’m just so happy for that to happen,” Gia grins.

Upon Teresa’s release the family will be together for a few months until Joe is given his prison assignment and checks in. “It’s going to be good to have it back to normal for a couple months, but then when my dad leaves, it’s just going to be the same thing all over again,” accepts Gia

A heartbreaking reality for this little girl, whose father will miss almost her entire adolescence because of his own stupidity. Stupidity that Joe still won’t acknowledge he’s responsible for. 


[Photo Credit: ET]