Cary Deuber - Real Housewives Of Dallas

Cary Deuber: LeeAnne Locken Is “Off Her Rocker” On Real Housewives Of Dallas!

Cary Deuber seems like the only remotely normal gal on Real Housewives Of Dallas. Therefore, like the rest of us, she is wondering what the hell is up with the pearl-clutching panties in a bunch LeeAnne Locken

Right out of the gate, Brandi Redmond and already-established villainess LeeAnne locked horns over appropriate charity function behavior. If the previews are to be believed, this is just the tippity-tip of the drama iceberg! 

In her first ever blog, Cary dives into the LeeAnne vs. Brandi drama, and warns us that LeeAnne is a force to be reckoned with – a force that is a few spurs short of a rodeo, that is! 


Defending Brandi and Stephanie Hollman‘s immature behavior, Cary calls them “fun, loving women,” and adds, “As a mother myself, I understand their bathroom humor.” 

As for Brandi and Stephanie’s silly behavior at her trunk show, Cary was unbothered and thinks LeeAnne needs to follow the hostess’s lead! “The charity event at my home was a casual shopping event, not some pearl wearing gala. LeeAnne is off her rocker crazy and needs to get a life,” snaps Cary.

“She is just so aggressive and in your face to the point that you need to behave a certain way at a charity event,” scoffs Cary. “I think it is great that LeeAnne is involved with a charity. I just get sick of hearing her talk about it all the time. I do a lot of charity work and I don’t go around flaunting it.”

Brandi does live in Plano, which is a nice community,” Cary continues. “So sad that LeeAnne judges people based on their address. If anyone did that to LeeAnne or her buddy Tiffany they would be up a creek without a paddle.”

Moving on to the main event – Brandi suggesting LeeAnne get help after attending another charity event, Cary agrees with Brandi’s assessment.

“I am so proud of Brandi for confronting LeeAnne. I was at the charity event that Brandi is talking about. LeeAnne got up after these women spoke about contracting HIV and launched into her story about her life,” recounts Cary. “Everyone was looking around the room like what is this lady talking about?! I’m sure LeeAnne has been through a lot, and I’m not discounting that, but these women have a life threatening virus! How is being from the carnival related?”

Maybe we’ll find out what is and is not “carnival related” on tonight’s new episode of Real Housewives Of Dallas. Sticking with the crazy theme, LeeAnne throws a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, which Brandi attends bringing a very unbirthday gift surprise for LeeAnne that inadvertently drags Stephanie and Cary into their drama! 

Meanwhile, Brandi struggles to deal with her husband’s schedule, while Tiffany‘s husband Aaron struggles to adjust to life in Dallas.

Reality Tea will be live-tweeting so make sure to join us!

Real Housewives Of Dallas airs at 10/9c. 


[Photo Credit: Instagram]