Sheree at Cargo by Cynthia Bailey

Sheree Whitfield Insists Her Son Wasn’t Late For Cynthia Bailey’s Fashion Show; Kenya Moore Says She Wasn’t Licking Her Lips At Kairo Whitfield

It seems like almost every Real Housewife has an aspiring model as a child. Yolanda Foster paved the way and now Sheree Whitfield is acting as a momager for her son Kairo Whitfield. Aside from pushing Cynthia Bailey to give her son compensation for walking in his first ever runway show, Sheree took to Twitter to defend her son after the last episode aired.

Personally, I thought Kairo had a good edit. He delivered on the runway and he seemed to be very cooperative, but Sheree still feels like she needs to set the record straight when it comes to her son’s tardiness.


Sheree wanted to make sure that her son has a good reputation as a model so she tweeted, “For the record, Kairo was NOT 45 mins late…he was no more than 7-10 mins late. #RHOA” I don’t blame her for tweeting that out. I think any mother would jump at the chance to clear up a misconception about her child.

Sheree also clarified that she wasn’t just making excuses for her son by tweeting, “And trust as his #mommager we had a long talk about it!  #RHOA.” I live for Sheree. I think she is very entertaining, but I’m not sure if she would be the best manager in the world. Let’s not forget that she had a fashion show without clothes a few years ago.

Aside from defending her son, Sheree took the time to throw some shade at Cynthia by tweeting, “The fashion show was great and all the models were awesome…@CynthiaBailey10 Kairo is still waiting for his back pack boo! #RHOA.” Sure, Sheree threw in a kissy face emoji at the end there, but she could have just texted Cynthia privately about getting that backpack. Then again, this fashion show was months ago, so Kairo should have that bag by now.

Cynthia responded by saying, “Ordered it mama! It’s coming!!! Kairo did a great job. Always happy to support.” Cynthia owns Cargo, but maybe the backpacks weren’t in production yet and the fashion show just used sample products.

Aside from debating over salary, tardiness, and free backpacks, Sheree actually encouraged the Housewives to support her hot son’s modeling career. During a Watch What Happens Live appearance, Kandi Burrus conveyed that she felt awkward liking Kairo’s modeling photos on Instagram. Kandi said,  “I feel bad. Every time I want to like his pictures, I’m like ‘That’s a little wrong for me to be liking his pictures.’” Clearly Sheree was watching that episode since she tweeted at Kandi, “its ok to like Kairo’s pics… its all luv, like fam! I’m sure he would like and appreciate the support!  #RHOA #WWHL”

Sheree even (sort of) defended her enemy Kenya Moore‘s appreciation of Kairo’s modeling. Kenya tweeted, “Now I slipped one time now they have me looking like I’m licking my lips at @IamSheree child! #shady #rhoa.” No, Sheree didn’t respond to that tweet and acknowledge the shit-stirring editing, but she did retweet a fan who responded to it and wrote, “@KenyaMoore @IamSheree most of us been watching long enough to know how they edit things to look more entertaining. #shady.” That retweet was the closest we will ever be to Sheree agreeing with Kenya, but at least she didn’t let the tweeters bash Kenya for no reason. Progress.

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[Photo Credit: Bravo]