Margaret Josephs Thinks She & Dolores Catania Could Be Friends; Shares Updates On Marge Sr.’s Dating Life & Teresa Giudice Leaving Her Party Early

It’s tough coming on to a Real Housewives show, but Margaret Josephs definitely had a strong rookie season on Real Housewives of New Jersey. Sure, she feuded with Siggy Flicker for most of it, but she definitely brought a lot of great things to the show as well.

Margaret’s mother Marge Sr. is a total gem and a half. She really deserves more screen time, or maybe they can just have the mother/daughter duo as full-time cast members. Aside from her adorable scenes with her mom, Margaret had some good moments with Siggy’s BFF Dolores Catania, and the queen of the show Teresa Giudice.

It looked like Margaret was having a great time at her party during the season finale episode with Teresa and Dolores, so it was pretty surprising when Teresa ended up leaving early when Siggy walked out. During the Mouthing Off With Olivia Caridi podcast, Margaret admitted, “I was not happy Teresa left, but if you saw her on Watch What Happens Live last night, she was like ‘I felt bad for her. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay and get my groove on. I wanted to party.’ I think in that moment she said, ‘Oh, I feel loyal to you.’ She didn’t want to leave.” So is it all good between them? Apparently so, since Margaret added, “She didn’t want to leave and she called me right after.”

Speaking of Margaret’s party, host Olivia Caridi pointed out, “It looked like Dolores and you were friends at your birthday party.” Margaret confirmed, “Of course.” Since Dolores is very loyal to her girl Siggy, it was only logical for Olivia to follow up with, “Does that drive Siggy insane?” Instead of shading Siggy, Margaret said, “I don’t know what Siggy says to Dolores when I’m not around.”

Olivia wondered, “Did Dolores ever drop bombs like ‘Oh yeah, Siggy really hates that we’re in pictures together’?” Margaret answered, “No. Dolores would never say that. But you know what it is, I know Frank Catania really likes me and Joe. And I adore him. I wish he was one of the Housewives. He’s so rational, so fabulous. You know what, Dolores, I think she’s a good person.” It would be great to see Dolores and Margaret on the same side of an argument next season.

It seems like Margaret has hope for a friendship with Dolores. Margaret said, “I think if Siggy’s not around, we’ll see what happens. I think her and I could be friends.”

And then she remembered the feud that her girl Danielle Staub instigated with Dolores. Margaret admitted, “I want her not to have such ill feelings toward Danielle. I don’t like the way she treated Danielle. I was devastated. Danielle is one of my best friends. I think ‘Why would she even feel that way about her?'” I have all of the love for Margaret, but did she not watch the same show that I did? Danielle picked at Dolores over and over again throughout the season. All Dolores did was react. Thankfully Dolores exploding at Danielle has provided us with some great quotes for GIF’s and memes. “Welcome back, scumbag,” is a phrase that will just never get old to me.

Looking ahead to next season, Margaret said, “It’s OK for us to have girly drama and for us to argue, but it got dark and unacceptable. I just hope the dynamic could be different.” I concur.

Moving on to a much more enjoyable topic, Margaret discussed her mother Marge Sr.’s status with that accountant Steve- who she went out to dinner with on the show. Margaret said, “You know, they’re good friends. It’s funny because they have such a flirtation. I don’t know if anything ever happens, but he was with us at Christmas and at my birthday party.” It sounds like Steve is there for all of the big family events, so maybe there is some potential there?

Even so, MargeSr. is still playing the field. Margaret revealed, “By the way she was on the apps and had a total freak out. Someone wanted to pee on her.” Ummmm. Wait. What? Margaret shared, “It was really, really upsetting.” Margaret also said, “She was like ‘You didn’t even buy me dinner yet.'” Aside from that one questionable suitor, Margaret reveals, “she literally had 150 people a day writing her.” That is not at all surprising.

RELATED: Margaret Josephs & Danielle Staub Sound Off On Kim DePaola, The Possibility Of Caroline Manzo & Jacqueline’s Return, & Foreclosure Rumors


[Photo Credit: Bravo]