Photos: Sheree Whitfield Debuts She By Sheree At New York Fashion Week


Miss She By Sheree, sometimes known as Sheree Whitfield, made her highly anticipated debut at the New York Fashion Show on Sunday.

Noticeably missing in attendance were Sheree’s fellow Atlanta housewives — Kandi, Kim, Nene, and Lisa. Trouble in paradise perhaps? “It’s just a working relationship,” Sheree explained. “We all have our different things that we’re doing. We’re not friends, but we are cordial.”’s blog was able to get Sheree for a quick Q&A session, below are some excerpts –

StyleList: How does showing at Fashion Week in New York compare to having a show in Atlanta?

Sheree: There’s absolutely no comparison. Being in New York for Fashion Week is like the ultimate. This is the fashion capital of the world so for me to be able to preview my line here, I feel like I’m on cloud 9. I need to go home and pinch myself, you know what I’m saying? Of course, my ultimate goal is to come back in February during the shows and do a full out presentation on the runway.

StyleList: How does your collection compare to Lisa’s “Closet Freak” collection?

Sheree: Yeah, right … [laughs]. It doesn’t compare. I wish her well and wish her all the best, but it doesn’t compare.

You gotta love the cattiness. The clothes look a bit upgraded from she debuted in Atlanta back in May.

More photos of the collection below







She-by-Sheree-New-York-Collection-cShe by Sheree Spring Collection

Photos Source – FashionBombDaily