The Real Housewives of Orange County Finale Recap & Thoughts!


Usually, finale episodes of the Housewives franchise tend to be a somewhat boring send off, but that definitely was not the case with the Real Housewives of Orange County season finale.

We saw Tamra and her husband Simon Barney reach a blowing point in a fight, unlike any that has ever been on reality TV. If there were any viewers doubting the authenticity of this show, that blow-up should be evident enough that this is all too real. Below is a rather long recap and mostly my thoughts on the stars of the show.

Tamra and Simon – I have to start off with these two. Wow is an understatement. Simon’s behavior on last night’s episode was beyond controlling, it was down right creepy and emotionally abusive. Tamra is without saying one of my least favorite housewives, but watching last night’s show really made me feel very sympathetic towards her. This woman was very afraid of her husband. The way he kept trying to “make-up” with her when they got out of the limo was hard to watch. Add on his passive aggressive hostility, and this man is truly a piece of work. My question is has he always been this way? Because this Simon we’re seeing was not the same one Bravo showed us the past couple of seasons. He is truly awful. A while back, I heard a very nasty rumor about Simon and something he allegedly did to Tamra, I chose not to write about this because it is a very big accusation to throw out there, and not something I would want to put out there unless I was 100% certain. I will tell you something, watching him last night, I will say I believe this rumor. I’m not going to say what it is, but you readers are smart, and I know you can figure out the most awful thing a man can do to his wife, other than cheating.

Lynne and daughters – Just when you think Lynne couldn’t become a worse parent, she manages to prove us wrong. This woman is so out of it that she couldn’t even tell her own underage daughters were drunk. Any good parent would have been mortified and humiliated by the behavior of her daughters, but now our darling Lynne. She was more worried about how she looked. She really needs to snap out of it and come back to planet earth. I however felt some sympathy for Alexa yesterday when she mentioned being tired of everyone bringing up their eviction. Kids can be mean, and I’m sure going to school and having the entire world know your business has to be difficult for any teenager. Alexa is the reason why I’m a bit against the housewives putting their children on this show. It’s just not healthy to have the whole world know every intimate detail about them. From what I read recently, Alexa has dropped out of school and is now being home schooled by Lynne. Yes you read that right. And how sweet and mature was it of Kara Keough to comfort Alexa last night?

Gretchen and Slade – Moving on to these two. Gretchen made a comment last night that really threw me off a bit. She called Slade “a great catch.” For some reason, I felt like that comment said a lot about her. Not saying that Slade is a loser, but to call him a “great” catch at this point and time is definitely a stretch. And then looking back on her past choices in men, mainly the loser known as Jay Photoglou, it all made sense. This woman must have some self esteem/self-worth issues, and perhaps some daddy issues. I’m guessing daddy didn’t hug her enough when growing up or something. She also strikes me as one of those women that doesn’t like to be single and therefore refuses to be single, thus dating anything anyone that comes her way. Before this season started, I suspected her relationship with Slade was fake, but after watching this season, it seems the relationship is all too real, which makes it all the more puzzling.


Alexis and Jim – Yeah these two have been very controversial this season, and I’m well aware a lot of readers do not like her, which is understandable. When the season first started, I was certain I wasn’t going to like Alexis, especially after this story detailing her first divorce came out. But as the season went along, I actually started to really like Alexis. Why you might ask? Well mainly because she seemed to be a genuinely nice and sweet person. Yes she might be a bit hypocritical and superficial, but for the most part, she was a nice person. Her major flap this season was the confrontation with the lady she accused of hitting on Jim. I personally felt her confrontation with Vicki was much needed, whether or not Vicki’s daughter was there. As a commenter pointed out last week, Vicki herself admitted she brought her sick daughter along on the trip in hopes it would lead to the other housewives not confronting her. I actually feel some sympathy for Alexis because I do believe she is a controlling marriage with a man who sometimes puts her down. Did she marry Jim for money? Who knows, but she does appear to truly love him and unfortunately can’t see just how controlling he is.

Vicki and Donn – Oh Vicki Vicki Vicki. I know a lot of people like her now and think she’s now this wonderful woman. I however am not so convinced. Was she nicer to her husband this season? Yes, but at the end of the day, I still saw the same ol Vicki from the previous 4 seasons. Gotta love how she threw her good friend Jeana under the bus during the beginning of the season regarding the money issue. I just think she’s a mean human being who treats others badly. I also don’t think she’ll ever change, nor do I think she’s capable of changing.

With that said, no matter what we all think of these housewives, they all have redeeming qualities about them. For example, it was very sweet watching Vicki comfort Tamra last night, and being there for her. This season of the OC was a good one, a little too long in my opinion, but still good. It was nice seeing the former housewives last night as well, and their families.


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