Is Angela Stanton’s Tell-All Falling Apart? Plus PHOTOS: NeNe Leakes with Glee Creator Ryan Murphy; And Kim Zolciak Shows Sweetie Hughes Love on Twitter!

Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta…There is so much going on that I don’t know where to start!  If you had told me several seasons ago that Kim wouldn’t be with Big Poppa, Phaedra would be accused of being a criminal kingpin, and NeNe would be a legitimate actress on a television show, I would have died laughing.  Looks like the joke is on me!

As you recall, Phaedra Park’s former friend Angela Stanton has promoted an e-book in collaboration with Vibe.  Lies of a Real Housewife:  Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil makes some pretty strong accusations regarding Phaedra being the mastermind behind a crime spree that landed both Angela and Apollo Nida in jail. shared a series of video interviews with Angela in conjunction with her book release.  In one of the videos, she states that Apollo’s “brother” lied about the extent of Angela’s involvement, in an effort to take the heat off Phaedra.

Now Vibe is issuing a “clarification“–or what regular folks would call an “Oops!”–on Angela use of the term “brother.”  The site back pedals, “In the first clip (of three), Ms. Stanton refers to an individual involved in the criminal scheme described in the book, as the brother of Apollo [Phaedra’s husband]. It appears as if Everett and Apollo are not related by blood and Ms. Stanton refers to Everett as Apollo’s ‘street brother’ in her book. The statements made in the video clips were made by Ms. Stanton in a figurative manner and not in literal terms.”  I wonder how many other Oops clarifications the site will have to make in connection with this book.  Tamara Tattles notes that the book, which was holding the 67th spot on Amazon upon its release, has now dropped to the 5,289th position.

NeNe Leakes seems to have a new biffle in the form of Glee creator Ryan Murphy.  The Neenster has been honing her acting skills on the hit series, and it was just announced that she will be starring in Murphy’s latest pilot, The New Normal.  The show centers around a gay couple and their surrogate, and NeNe will play the recurring role of Rocky.  It appears that the RHOA reality star may have found the perfect way to channel her dramatic personality!

NeNe recently tweeted a picture of her famous bestie, stating, “THE MAN that is changing my life 1 script @ a time Ryan Murphy.”

Adding another photo of her and Ryan for her followers, NeNe tweeted, “I gotta get that Emmy baby & this man is helping me make sure that happens.”  Both of those photos are below.

NeNe’s former best friend/current nemesis Kim Zolciak also took to the twitterverse to defend herself when a follower called out her behavior towards former assistant Sweetie Hughes.  After someone tweeted “RT @snooki I hate when people are mean to their assistants. Your not cool. responded, @throughmyeyes__ how about my former assistant/friend @sweetieHughes is one of my dearest closest friends soooo stfu!”

Mere minutes later, Kim gave quite a shout out to her friend, tweeting, “First vacation in a loooong time w/ out @sweetieHughes we already miss u!!! If u wanna come I got u ;)” A hilarious picture of Kim’s wigs on said vacation is also below!


On tonight’s episode, Kim and Cynthia are meeting for lunch to discuss the black baby comment.  Kim calls Sheree beforehand to talk about the upcoming meal, while Cynthia calls NeNe and promises to go off on Kim if she’s provoked.  And go off, Cynthia does – and apparently Cynthia thinks that “going off” means apologizing.  The lunch turns into the women talking about Kim and NeNe’s relationship.  By the end of their meeting, the pair is talking about grabbing their husbands and going on a double date.  What?  Kim says she’s just thankful that Cynthia didn’t make her sign a friendship contract!

NeNe is in Los Angeles to meet the producers of Glee.  She’s been acting for years, and she is growing tired of the tired Atlanta drama.  NeNe sets her sights on an Academy Award.  She is very entertaining, I must say.  NeNe has brought her part-time assistant Andre on the trip, and he seems to be wearing on her nerves.  A new episode airs tonight at 9PM ET on Bravo.   Watch a preview below!


Another photo of NeNe and Glee creator Ryan Murphy, courtesy of Twitter


Kim’s wigs getting ready to hit the road!

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