Alexis Bellino Is Done With Plastic Surgery – For Now! Plus Did Vicki Out A New Real Housewife of Miami Cast Member?

With the Real Housewives of Orange County drawing to a close, there has been a lot of speculation about what is in the works for Alexis Bellino.  Not always portrayed as the sharpest tool in the shed, Alexis has lost good friends and gained unusual allies this season.

Alexis was recently interviewed by about how she was portrayed and whether she’s mended any of her relationships with her cast mates.  Highlights from that interview follow.


How has it been since being back from Costa Rica and having to confront everyone?

Well, it’s been good with Vicki [Gunvalson]. The other ones, it’s been the same.

Is Vicki the only one you’re talking to now?

Well, after the reunion we did have a little peace-making going on, but we’ll see how that really turns out. I don’t know. I never know because one day they’ll tell me that they’re sorry or this and that and then the next day, “I got drunk in a bar.” I’m just very guarded, I should say.

You almost skipped the reunion. What made you change your mind?

I didn’t skip it. I was medically released from it. I finally got the courage to go. Yeah, it’s been a rough season.

Was it really difficult to get through it?

They were lighter on me at the reunion, so that helped. I had the Lord with me, so it helped a lot too.

What do you think people most misunderstand about you?

I just think that I’m an easy target, because I don’t fight dirty. I’m not going to go to that level. I think it’s easy to just say what you want about me, because I’m not going to attack back.

Do you think you’ll be able to heal your relationships with some of the other girls, like Gretchen [Rossi]?

I think there’s a chance I’m going to heal my relationship with Gretchen. I wouldn’t call it completely shut for good. I do love her, and I miss her.

You’ve talked about having another baby. Do you think you’re going to add to your family?

Alexis: [Cover’s husband Jim’s ears and sings “La la la la la”] I want another baby. He is not really up for it, and it takes two for that to happen so I don’t know if I’m gonna get it. He kind of would for about a month when he said that he would think about it and revisit it in a few months, and now he’s just shut it down. “No, not happening.”

Jim Bellino: She’ll get a dog.

You put up with so much this season. Are you going to return next season?

I don’t know.

Is a lot of that going to depend on your relationships outside of the show and how you guys mend?

There’s just a lot of factors involved. There’s my family. There’s my health. There’s so much involved. The one thing I know is I will be friends with [Vicki], and hopefully Gretchen and I will become friends again and I won’t lose touch with her whether I’m on the show or not.

Overall, how has being on the show changed your life?

For the most part, it’s been a very positive experience. It’s just this year that was really difficult. I mean, everybody goes through it so we’ll see. We just finished filming, and now is when I get to heal and go through everything.

Do you watch [the show], Alexis?

Yeah. I have to just for knowledge, but there were a few episodes that I cried a lot through and a few episodes that I fast forwarded and couldn’t watch the whole thing.

Do you think you’ve been fairly portrayed?

No, and that was part of the problem.

In what way?

They were hard on me last season. I know we don’t like to say the “E word” [editing] in reality — and they know it. I’ve made several calls to my producers so it was a little bit unfair in some of those ways. We’ll just have to see what the future holds down.

I just can’t believe that editing alone makes Alexis appear to be one sandwich shy of a picnic.  And the whole “medically released” bit?  There is no shame in saying you didn’t want to go sit on Bravo’s sofas with a bunch of mean girls.  I’m sure most people would never want to be on the receiving end of Reunion Tamra.  Just own it…you’ll feel better, I promise!

On a lighter note, Alexis continues her internet media tour by speaking to about plastic surgery.

“I think I am decades away from more plastic surgery.  I think the rhino (plasty) slash sinus put me way over the top,” she confesses.

Alexis shares, “I thought I might as well fix that little bump that’s been bothering me for years. The recovering didn’t come from the rhinoplasty – you saw all the gross stuff that came out of my head!”  Yes, yes we did…thanks for reminding me!

“I have had my breasts done and I’ve been very open about that,” Alexis admits.  “It’s the only thing I’ve had done as far as going ‘under the knife,’ I do get injections to keep the youthful glow.”  Youthful glow or frozen face?

“I am not someone who is desperate to get back for my next nip and tuck. In 20 or 30 years if I think I need it – I hope I don’t – I may get a little work on my face done, but it’s going to be a hard decision for me because of what I went through with the nose…Maybe it was a blessing in disguise that I did something so early so that I stopped doing any plastic surgery, when I’ve only had two surgeries now,” Alexis added.

Alexis was also recently a party to outing of the newest Real Housewives of Miami cast member.  While in Los Angeles to celebrate Patti Stanger’s birthday, Vicki tweeted a picture of herself with Alexis, Miami Housewife Marysol Patton, and Ana Quincoces.  The caption?  “2 of the Miami Housewives and Alexis and me!”  I guess Vicki wasn’t privy to the news that Ana, an attorney, mother, and cookbook author, has yet to be confirmed by Bravo! The rumblings of Ana’s addition to the cast was originally brought to light by Lesley at The Miami Herald.

Finally, tonight is SEASON FINALE of RHOC (if you can believe it!) and Heather Dubrow throws a bash to celebrate her name change. These women probably throw a party to celebrate changing their underwear. Former housewife Jeana Keough makes an appearance – I thought she was sis’d and deceased? – and hopefully avoids any run ins with Wines By Wives, if you know what I mean!

Unfortunately the party doesn’t go so well as wanna be Housewife Sara Winchester (who wishes she were of the Winchester Rifle family) causes major drama when she molests wanna be season 8 Housewife, Heather’s cake! How dare anyone mess with the name changer’s cake!

The season finale of Real Housewives of Orange County airs tonight on Bravo at 9/8c. Reality Tea will be live-Tweeting the whole affair so don’t forget to join us – and get your wine ready. Actually we will be sampling some Wines By Wives for the big event. Aren’t we lucky – we hope!


Marysol Patton, Alexis, rumored new Miami housewife Ana Quincoces, and Vicki, courtesy of Vicki’s Facebook page