Tamra Judge Accuses Lizzie Rovsek Of Being Obsessed With Her And Jealous Of Her Happy Marriage!

tamra vs. lizzie on rhoc

In the immortal words of Sheryl Crow, “If it makes you happy, why the hell are you so sad?” Which is exactly what Vicki Gunvalson asked Tamra Barney at the Real Housewives Of Orange County reunion. But now Tamra is turning the tables and asking Lizzie Rovsek the very same thing! So are all these ladies just miserable as hell – or what?!

Tamra claims she will never be friends with Lizzie. Her reason: “Her unhealthy obsession and lies about me are rather weird.” Tamra claims Lizzie has been “going around the neighborhood” besmirching her reputation with lies. “Please stop twisting things,” she implores.  

“The lies that come out of her mouth are so twisted and down right scary,” Tamra accuses. “The truth is I did not know her very well and never said a bad thing about her to anyone. I honestly thought she was a nice person until I witnessed her drunk and talking very crass about my husband because I did not make it to her birthday party.”


Tamra adds that she has forgiven Lizzie many times, but it is her lying that is the final nail in the coffin. “I was even willing to forgive her for her comment about Eddie because I knew she was drunk,” Tamra says. “But her inability to apologize or even admit that she said it was mind blowing to me. Five people tell her what she did and she says, ‘I am sorry for what you think I did or I am sorry if you think I was insinuating something.’ I just don’t understand that behavior? I just don’t know where I went wrong with her and at this point I really do not care.”

As for Lizzie’s claims that Tamra also bailed on a Kentucky Derby invite, Tamra has an explanation of her own – and it was Lizzie’s drunken messiness that kept her away! “When she invited me to the Derby it was before she said Eddie wanted to ‘f— her.’ So after lots of thought, we decided that it was best that we did not go. Eddie and I were both concerned that she would have another drunk outburst and put us in another weird situation.” 

Tamra says initially she wanted to go, “I was very thankful and asked about the charity (I always like to get the full details when I am working with a charity). That is not making fun or putting down, it’s being educated on what and who I am supporting. Who in their right mind would put down a charity that is raising money for a cause? Heather and Terry were also invited and backed out last minute. . .but you’re OK with that?”

Finally, with all Lizzie’s accusations against her, Tamra is retaliating with some blasts of her own! “She is talking about how she was bullied for her big breasts and how rude it was of me to make fun of her. Yes, I said that out of anger after what you said about Eddie and I am sorry if it hurt you feelings.”

Tamra claims Lizzie is lying about that because she has implants like all good Orange Countians. “But what makes me laugh is that she told me at Shannon’s holiday party and admitted to Andy at the Reunion that she has 300CC breast implants,” Tamra shares. “So if you are so self conscious of your big breast and mentally damaged about being bullied why would you make your breasts bigger? Another one of her contradictions and cries for attention!”

In short, Tamra is concerned about Lizzie’s Single-White Female behavior as she believes Lizzie is “insanely obsessed” with her life! “I have never had another person pay so much attention to my every move and twist every conversation we have ever had to make me look bad,” Tamra writes. “The only thing I can think of is she sees my success and my happy marriage and she’s jealous?”

“She told me herself that her marriage has been on the rocks for years and she was very vocal this season that her husband does not satisfy her needs in bed. It really breaks my heart and I would like to tell her that we don’t have to be best friends — but we don’t have to be enemies. I was very upset what she did to me in Bali and I had my fair share of bad things to say about Lizzie after that, but I have moved on. If anyone did anything bad it was Lizzie doing something bad to me. I am willing to forgive. Forgiveness is the key to freedom.”

Tamra also says that she has forgiven Vicki. “Vicki has been a friend for many years and although I am very hurt by her actions I am sure I will get over it. Like I have said all season, If Brooks makes her happy then I am happy for her,” Tamra maintains. 

“I am not proud of my behavior and I have learned a lot from what has happened. I started the season at a very bad time in my life (something I have not spoken of publicly) and contemplated not returning to Season 9, now I wish I had taken a step back and dealt with my issues as needed.”

As for Tamra’s new-found outlook on life? She credits God and church for getting her life “back on track”. Good to know. 

Personally I think both these women are nuts and Tamra has met her match in Lizzie, who is about to over-take her as chieftess s–t stirrer of the OC. 

[Photo Credits: Bravo]