Real Housewives of New York reunion

Real Housewives Of New York Reunion: Sonja Morgan And Dorinda Medley Speak Out About The Drug Accusations

I am still in shock after watching part one of the Real Housewives of New York reunion. The stand out moment that made me feel beyond awkward was when Bethenny Frankel alluded to Dorinda Medley doing drugs and Sonja Morgan chimed in. 

I could not believe what I was watching. Even at home, my face turned beet red from the vicarious embarrassment so I can’t imagine how the people who were actually in the room felt. In a not-so-shocking turn of events, both Dorinda and Sonja made comments about that specific part of the reunion episode.


Just to recap, Bethenny said that she was talking about Dorinda’s boyfriend John Mahdessian using cocaine and Dorinda lost it. It seemed like Bethenny wanted to let the conversation die when she said, “I’m not here to ruin people’s lives,” adding, “I’m not here to f*ck with people.”

But Sonja picked up where Bethenny left off, yelling at Dorinda, “Everybody knows you do drugs!”

Weirdly enough, both Dorinda and Sonja spoke out in exclusive interviews to Entertainment Tonight. Obviously, these interviews were done separately since Dorinda wants nothing to do with Sonja, and I assume vice versa is also true.

RELATED: Bethenny Confirms The Cocaine Use Among The RHONY Cast?

In response to the allegations, Dorinda said, “I think poor Sonja’s trying to be relevant … The truth is, I didn’t film with her at all this season. I think I had one scene and I don’t really see Sonja all season. So, you know, she’s just trying to be relevant.” But that isn’t exactly a denial. I get the point she is trying to make, but with allegations of this nature, it would be better if she was succinct and more clear in her reply.

Dorinda doubted Sonja’s integrity when she said, “Poor Sonja had to run with something. What does she have? I mean, consider the source. You know?”

Dorinda got even more personal when she added, “[John and I have] never again gone out with Sonja. I don’t know anything about her life. I never knew Sonja before the show, either … I’d heard of Sonja. I heard about her years of dating wealthy men and her antics, but we don’t know each other.”

RELATED: Dorinda Says Sonja Is Not, Never Was, & Never Will Be her Friend

That has nothing to do with drug allegations, but I guess Dorinda is pretty heated and was just using whatever she could to come for Sonja.

Sonja had a pretty simple statement in response to hearing what Dorinda said to Entertainment Tonight: “That’s not a denial. That’s ‘check the source.’ That’s called deflection … My response is, everyone knows Dorinda does drugs.”

Sonja makes a good point here – why didn’t Dorinda adamantly deny the allegations and shut them down? Even if it wasn’t the intent, it can be construed as deflection.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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