Ashlee Holmes and Cameron Hendrix Malleo

Chris Laurita Says Ashlee Holmes Has Matured And Is An Amazing Mom

When Jacqueline Laurita‘s daughter Ashlee Holmes announced earlier this year that she was expecting her first child with her fiance, Pete Malleo, many Real Housewives of New Jersey viewers wondered how the once bratty, self-centered teen would be as a mom. Well, according to Chris Laurita, she’s been “absolutely amazing.”

About her “amazing” transformation, Chris shared, “I cannot believe how much she has matured and what a great mother she is. After some of our challenges and struggles with her through the years – and a lot of people have seen that on TV – it kind of catapulted her into being an adult and a very responsible one at that. She’s very, very, very attentive with her son.”


Pete and Ashlee live with Chris and Jacqueline, so Chris gets to see how they are with baby Cameron daily. “I get to see it and watch what she does and how she does it. She’s really been amazing, and I’m very happy to see that.”

“Pete has been amazing, too,” added Chris. “They’re very, very, very attentive. I’m really proud of how they’re doing things and they’re doing a great job.”

Chris advised Pete and Ashlee, “You guys need to work together on raising this child, because at the end of the day you’re molding him into a person. You just need to make sure that you guys are on the same page as far as how you want to do that and what you want to teach them.”

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Also matured thanks to the baby is Ashlee and Jacqueline‘s relationship.

“Jacqueline is obsessed with him already,” shared Chris. “She spends a lot of time with Ashlee and the baby. She loves jumping in and helping out whenever she can. Their relationship has gotten very, very strong.”

Jacqueline may be head over heels for her grandson, but she isn’t ready to be called “Grandma” just yet, opting instead to be called “Glamma.” And Chris chose “G,” explaining, “Because it sounds cooler than Grandpa. It’s been cool. So far, so good.”


Photo Credit: Instagram

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