Dorinda Medley Reflects On Emotional Graveyard Scene; Thinks Sonja Morgan Is Torturing Tinsley Mortimer!
WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 14075 -- Pictured: Dorinda Medley -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Dorinda Medley Doesn’t Think Ramona Singer Has Political Views Or Great Social Cues

Dorinda Medley

The only thing that bothers me about Dorinda Medley is that she didn’t join Real Housewives of New York sooner than she did. She brings it with the gif-worthy catchphrases and I hate to say this, but I love it when she gets angry.

An angry Dorinda is prime entertainment. After she went off against Sonja Morgan and compared her vagina to the Holland Tunnel…and the Lincoln Tunnel, I figured Dorinda would be hating on Sonja during her appearance on Watch What Happens Live. Weirdly enough, she ended up insulting Ramona Singer a few times. If it was any other Housewife, I would assume Dorinda was being shady, but you know when Dorinda is coming for you. Still, Ramona could not have been happy watching that episode. Or maybe she has a better sense of humor than I thought.


After playing a clip of Sonja washing her undies in the bidet, Andy Cohen asked Dorinda, “Is that a common practice?” Dorinda hit back with a question: “What’s a common practice with Sonja?” Sonja is definitely a character. That’s for sure.

As for that dinner party confrontation, it seems like Dorinda had nothing left to say, “I got it all out.” When asked if she regretted the incident, Dorinda shared, “Absolutely not.”

After that surprisingly brief conversation about Sonja, the topic turned to politics, specifically Ramona’s political views. Dorinda declared, “Ramona: an authority on politics? That’s frightening. I love Ramona, but that’s not her forte. Stick to dating.” If it wasn’t for the way Dorinda said it that would come off as a major dig. Again, I’m curious to know what Ramona thought about that remark.

Later, Dorinda was asked to share her thoughts on Ramona’s political views. She said, “I don’t know if Ramona has political views. I love Ramona, but I have never heard her have a political view.” Ouch.

RELATED: Dorinda Medley Sick Of Sonja Morgan Holding A Grudge

Dorinda tried her best to defend Ramona after she decided to bring up Bethenny Frankel’s daughter in a conversation about soft porn. “Ramona doesn’t have great social cues. She doesn’t do great social timing. Remember, we hadn’t seen each other all summer and we came off of a very difficult reunion. We couldn’t figure out where it came from. She mentioned her daughter and we sort of have a golden rule that we don’t mention our children.” Which Ramona broke, and we all know she would be livid if someone brought up her daughter.

Even though Dorinda insisted that she loves Ramona several times throughout the interview, she still doesn’t think that Ramona actually cooked dinner in the Hamptons. “I was with her the whole day. Then all of a sudden these things appear and they’re perfectly done. I know Ramona. And listen, by the way, she’s a good cook.”

Later, Andy read a tweet from Ramona: “Not true prepared some of the dinner.” That word “some” really stands out to me, but she did include a smiley face emoji so I guess she’s not upset about the suspicion against her. Another tweet from Ramona that didn’t make the episode said “Love you @DorindaMedley.” So I guess Ramona wasn’t insulted by some of Dorinda’s answers. Even if she was, Dorinda spoke the truth, so whatever.

Then the conversation jumped back to Sonja with the question, “Would you still invite Sonja to the Berkshires?” Dorinda revealed, “Well, I do invite Sonja to the Berkshires and we’ll see how that works out. The real question is: Will I invite her next year after this year?” Oh damn… I need to see these Berkshires episodes ASAP.


Photo Credit: Instagram