WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 14151 -- Pictured: Kim Fields -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Kim Fields Talks Real Housewives of Atlanta On Watch What Happens Live – Photos

One season of Real Housewives of Atlanta was all it took to show actress Kim Fields that reality TV was not her dream job, but she hasn’t sworn off Bravo completely. She stopped by Watch What Happens Live last night and dished with Andy Cohen about her stint on the show and talked about her upcoming work, as well.

Andy plays a clip for Kim that shows Queen Latifah saying she thinks Kim restrained herself on Real Housewives of Atlanta. So Andy asks “Were you restraining yourself?” Kim says “I think, first of all, there’s a difference of ‘what are we talking about?’ and a lot of times the stuff Dana and I..when you’re making a TV show and talking about that and your careers and everything, it’s kind of different than somebody ripping you apart over a he said/she said. You’re trying to be real. It’s like mmm whatever.”

Any chance of a Living Single reunion? “They have been talking about the reboot, but like Dana said, first things first. Lets make sure everybody gets to watch it on every place they want to watch it.”

Andy asks Kim to share her opinion on some of the drama happening on RHOA.

What did she think of the drama between Phaedra, Porsha and Kandi? Has she spoken to Phaedra since she was on the show? “Not at all.” Was she surprised by what went down? “No, because that’s what happens. Right?”

Does she believe that Kenya‘s marriage is the real deal? She sort of reacts like she didn’t know Kenya got married. “Niiiiiiiice. Good for her.” She doesn’t really answer Andy when he asks if she really didn’t know about it. When asked if she was invited to the wedding, Andy says that nobody was invited, but Kim definitely wouldn’t have been invited. Kim laughs hard over that.

Does she still carry snacks and a book in her bag? “Sometimes, so I can stay svelte.”

She says the last Atlanta co-star she talked to was Cynthia Bailey because they have a friend in common (the beauty editor for Essence Mag).

Her biggest takeaway from being on the show? “Easy. That I needed a happy place and time for myself. Not because I was on the show and needed time, I’m saying that I totally learned that from that experience.”

When asked one thing she misses about the women in the group, Kim gives the longest pause in WWHL history. She jokes that there were “so many” she was having trouble deciding on just one. She giggles and never does come up with even one thing she misses.

How does she feel about NeNe and Kim coming back? “Oh great because everybody loves them. They’re favorites, right?”

A viewer asks if Kim was worried about her reputation and did she hold back when she was on the show. “No, I wasn’t worried about my reputation. No, I wasn’t holding back. But, there’s some strategy when you’re designing a career and I absolutely was myself in those situations.”

Andy says that after seeing the whole season air, Kim was most herself and let it out at the reunion. “I was present the whole time, it was really just more so that at the reunion is where it was like they kind of like trying to figure out actual for real ‘triggers’ and that stuff just ain’t going to fly with me.”

A caller asks Kim if she would’ve done anything differently regarding the women questioning her husband’s sexuality. “Not at all.”

She says the worst part of being on Dancing with the Stars was getting eliminated so early. (She lasted 7 of the 10 weeks).

Andy’s polls tonight:

How excited are you about Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy? Not excited won out.

Who are you most excited about returning to ATL: Kim Zolciak or NeNe Leakes? It was cloes but 51% voted for NeNe.


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo

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