Hannah Ferrier

Below Deck Mediterranean Star Hannah Ferrier Explains Why She Didn’t Stand Up To Chef Mila Kolomeitseva Sooner

How are you enjoying Season 4 of Below Deck Mediterranean? For me, I can’t get enough. It is one of the few shows I watch live instead of on DVR. The French Riviera is gorgeous and the new cast is interesting. And for the most part, at least so far, the crew all seem to get along. I even picked up my new favorite term, “oxygen thief,” courtesy of lead deckhand Travis Michalzik!

The one downside during this charter season has been the appalling, dare I say–culinary skills–of oxygen thief Chef Mila Kolomeitseva. Last week, chief stewardess Hannah Ferrier found out Mila couldn’t even make pancakes! Strangely, normally outspoken Hannah has been a bit reserved in voicing her opinion about Mila’s culinary prowess– and she recently shared why.

Hannah told Bravo’s The Daily Dish that maintaining a good working relationship caused her to bite her tongue around Mila. She shared, “Well, I was laughing when I watched that episode where she’s like, ‘Hannah is fake. I don’t like fake people.’ I’m like, well, what the f–k? If I’m real, then I just tell you how s–t I think your food is, so I kind of have to fake it.”

Someone needed to tell Mila the truth about her cooking after her first meal. The slop served up to charter guests wouldn’t pass muster in a prison. And as I once went on a prison tour and had lunch at the facility (only a tour, I swear!), I can speak with authority on such matters!

Telling a chef that their cooking isn’t any good is a dicey proposition. Hannah stated, “I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t on this boat because it’s like, yeah, if I try and be nice, then I’m called fake, and if I’m honest, then I’m called mean. So it’s the double-edged sword.” A sword Mila could use to open up her favorite canned seafood!

RELATED: Captain Sandy Yawn Said She Wouldn’t Have Fired Chef Mila Kolomeitseva If She Knew About Homophobic Comments While Filming Below Deck Mediterranean

Not surprisingly, Hannah found working with Mila odd. She dished, “It was honestly just a bit surreal. It’s funny ’cause people on Twitter are like, ‘Oh, why didn’t you stand up more and blah, blah, blah?’ It’s like, because on a boat that size, your job is to take the food from the galley to the guests. Like, it’s not your job to question the chef or to question the food. But then I couldn’t help [it], I had to kind of question it with that stuff going out, you know?”

Captain Sandy Yawn questioned Mila’s chef skills from the beginning. But initially did little about it. Having stewardess Anastasia Surmava assisting in the kitchen was Sandy’s way of helping out Mila. When in reality, the best way to help Mila would be recommending another line of work. Preferably something without human contact.

Can you imagine being a charter guest and being served food that wouldn’t pass inspection at Taco Bell? Food is such an important part of the charter experience. Mila got off lightly with the guests as she wasn’t thrown overboard after one of her meals! She makes you long for the days of chefs Ben Robinson and Adam Glick.

RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Captain Sandy Yawn Shares Thoughts On Chef Mila Kolomeitseva’s Homophobic Comment

For her part, Hannah claims she had to trust Mila’s expertise as a chef. She explained, “Yeah, it was just weird. I couldn’t really believe what I was seeing in front of me. It was very bizarre. The food was just so bad. Like, I wouldn’t even eat it, you know? And I didn’t pay all that money to charter a boat.”

Hannah also believes that Mila didn’t realize that her cooking was not up to snuff. She said, “And I guess ’cause she’s so, she’s almost delusional, so she thinks that what she’s doing is good, so then you get confused. You’re like, ‘Am I crazy?’ Because one of us is f–king crazy. So it’s either you or me.” Well, we know it’s not you Hannah. At least not this time.

RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Captain Sandy Yawn Is In Love!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]