Married To Medicine Recap: Stirring The Teapot

On last night’s episode of Married to Medicine , the women laid all of their issues out on the table. Given this cast of characters, this can only do more harm than good. This group is so fractured. I think many of the relationships are beyond repair. But if they want to try, for our entertainment pleasure, I am here for it!

Contessa Metcalfe‘s pursuit of education is a point of contention between her and  Scott Metcalfe. Toya Bush-Harris is forced to put on a brave face for her family. Jackie Walters hosts a party to try to mend the group. This Married to Medicine episode is packed full of drama. Let’s breakdown all the petty cat fights and get straight to the recap!

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Scott Metcalfe  is struggling with the duties of being a single father now that his wife is in another state. I am still unsure why she needed to move to Tennessee to continue her studies. Contessa strolls in late at night with McDonald’s after Scott has already made dinner for the children. She then criticizes the house and how her husband has been handling things in her absence.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear they are having marital issues very soon. It’s clear that Scott is extremely frustrated and doesn’t think his wife appreciates him. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Contessa, you are in danger girl. Cut your man some slack, he is trying to support you!

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Jackie meets with Heavenly Kimes to catch up after Damon Kimes’ event. Jackie becomes emotional about the breakdown in Heavenly and Simone Whitmore’s friendship. She feels like she is in the middle of two of her good friends. She also mulls over Mariah Huq’s issues with her. Jackie decides she wants to have an event to try to bring everyone together.

RELATED: Married To Medicine Season Premiere Recap: Open And Honest

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Toya has a doctor’s appointment with Simone after suffering a miscarriage. She was pregnant for 7 weeks before she lost the baby. Simone performs an ultrasound to make sure things are in order after the loss of pregnancy. Toya is very emotional. She was hoping to finally have the daughter she always wanted. Even though she is clearly upset, she is more concerned about how her family is handling the news more than herself.

I truly am saddened to hear that Toya went through this. Despite all of her flaws, it’s evident she truly cares about her family. Hopefully, she will have the daughter she always wanted when the time is right.

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Quad goes to meet Contessa and Heavenly for drinks. I’m sorry Quad; but blond is NOT your color. Your friends are lying to you, when they say that it looks nice. Contessa and Heavenly try to pressure Quad into dating. Ms. Quad is not in the market for just any man, she has a long list of requirements. The top items on her list are money and a man that is good in the bedroom. Good luck, girl.

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Simone shares her frustration with Toya about Heavenly en route to the event.  Simone thinks Heavenly is a lunatic. I agree! She told her things about Cecil Whitmore in private, that Heavenly shouldn’t have repeated on social media. Toya feels like things have gotten even worse with Contessa. Contessa always seems like she is ready to fight.

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

After the ladies arrive, Jackie introduces Alyssa, the spiritual adviser for the night. All the women are asked to choose a card that reveals the emotion they are feeling. The women put all of their issues out into the open.

Mariah is still disappointed about what Jackie said on the podcast. She can’t let it go until Jackie acknowledges what she did. Simone feels Heavenly betrayed her when she didn’t respect her boundaries. Heavenly responds by badly butchering a scripture.

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Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Toya breaks down in tears when she expresses her disappointment in her friendships. It’s been a hard month for her and she doesn’t consider everyone an actual friend. All the ladies don’t know about the miscarriage, so this speech is probably lost on some of these self-indulged ladies. But she believes it will get better.

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Quad as usual, has a lot to say. She feels like she wasn’t supported through her split from her husband. The other women are clearly annoyed as she goes on and on. Quad asks Simone if they can reconnect. Simone agrees because she doesn’t know why they aren’t as close as they used to be. Umm… I know, Quad isn’t a good friend to anyone!

Simone and Quad agree to speak alone. Mariah explains her feelings to Jackie, again. Jackie listens and says that progress takes time.

RELATED: Married To Medicine Episode Recap: Season 6 Reunion Part 3

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Simone and Quad agree to meet at a restaurant. Quad is over an hour late. When she gets there, she tells Simone she doesn’t have time for small talk because she has to work in the morning. Chile, please, I would have left. This is exactly why Simone is no longer friends with her.  Quad is acting like a completely different person than she was at Jackie’s event. She is as fake as a four dollar bill.

Married to Medicine Recap: Stirring the Teapot

Quad demands to know why Simone mistreated her at Heavenly’s crab broil. Simone says that was a year ago and they discussed that already. Quad will not let it go. Simone tells Quad she can’t tell her what to do and storms off.

It is clear Quad only had this meeting for additional camera time. If I were Simone, I would never even acknowledge her presence again. Quad has a huge chip on her shoulder that someone needs to knock off. What nerve to show up an hour late, and not even attempt to be cordial.

RELATED: Married To Medicine Episode Recap: Season 6 Reunion Part 2


[Photo Credit:  Bravo]