Heather Dubrow Dishes On The Brooks Ayers Health Situation on WWHL


Last night The Real Housewives of Orange County star Heather Dubrow was a guest on Watch What Happens Live, along with Ladies of London’s Annabelle Neilson.  Naturally, the biggest topic of discussion was Brooks Ayers and the ‘does he or doesn’t he’ have cancer storyline. 

Andy starts off by asking a viewer question.  Why does Heather think Brooks and Vicki Gunvalson chose to show Tamra Judge his PET scan paperwork.  “It’s an interesting question. We’re shooting the reunion this week, so there’s things I will not say tonight.  But I will say, I’m married to a doctor, I like to think I have a little MD married to doctor, Shannon goes to lots of doctors, Meghan’s been in the medical field, choosing Tamra was an odd choice.”  Andy asks if Meghan really worked in the medical field and Heather says “yes, she worked in medical sales for a long time.”

Heather says the doctor on the show last night was a general physician, not an oncologist.  And Heather specifies that the doctor doesn’t technically say Brooks has cancer and that what the doctor said was basically “I’m looking at this scan, and unless it’s fake, you have cancer.” 

Does Heather think that if Meghan hadn’t stirred the pot and questioned Brooks’ cancer, would the other ladies have had any concerns or would they have just believed it?  “I think that it started from a good place, I think what happened, and you’ll see this as the show goes til the epic finale, that we were all sort of brought in.  I’ll speak for myself specifically, I was brought into Brooks’ health issues (she started to say cancer and changed it to health..) by Brooks. We’ll touch on that at the reunion but I feel like I was an unwilling participant.” 

On what Terry thinks about the Brooks situation.  “I don’t want to speak for him, but I showed him that document that was sent around and he just said ‘I’ve never seen any kind of scan that’s all mushed with the words all mushed together, the transcriber would be fired for releasing a document like that.”


 Photo Credit: Twitter