It was one of the weirdest finales in Bachelor history. Juan Pablo Galavis not only failed to propose but he didn't even say "I love you" to his last lady standing Nikki Ferrell. Things got even odder on the After The Final rose, but the couple is vowing to make it work – if only for their 15 minutes of fame!
JP and Nikki are still together and in order to make sure their relationship continues in the right direction the duo is seeking counseling from Marriage Bootcamp's Jim and Elizabeth Carroll.
"I think they have marriage on their minds," Jim explains to Us Weekly, "but I think what Juan did was a really, I mean it wasn’t a very romantic fairytale ending, but I think what he did was very wise in the fact that he said you know, 'I want to go through conflicts with this girl. I want to do some problem solving, I want to see basically what the ugly side is before I jump out there and tell somebody I love them and just get married.'"
Elizabeth and Jim are in support of Juan Pablo's decision to take their relationship slower.
"A lot of people are saying that he’s commitment phobic or he’s not ready for commitment, but we were actually seeing a different side of him," Elizabeth maintains. "Not only is he not commitment phobic, he is very serious about commitment that’s why he didn’t jump into the engagement right away, because it is very serious to him."
However both Elizabeth and Jim believe Juan Pablo and Nikki have some very serious differences that could mean an end to their relationship! "He is a very strong leader, he’s masculine, he doesn’t like to compromise a whole lot, and he’s got a good value system," Jim says of Juan Pablo.
"Nikki is more nurturing, sympathetic, and she’s more feminine in her values. So when you put those two kind of people together the stronger one — like Juan Pablo — would tend to run over somebody like Nikki, if Nikki doesn’t have good boundaries."
While the couple won't appear on the current season of the show (which stars world's most successful and in love couple, Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley, along with Trista and Ryan Sutter, and JWoww and her fiance Roger), they aren't opposed to airing their relationship difficulties in a future season. Of course not.
And if that doesn't work out – there's always Couples Therapy. We know how successful that is…