Kenya Moore Cancels Detroit Public Schools Assembly; “Postpones” $20,000 Donation!

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Just when we were all rejoicing over Kenya Moore doing the right thing by finally making that $20,000 donation to Detroit Public Schools Foundation, she goes ahead and twirls a fast one on us by canceling a planned check presentation and postponing the donation! 

Kenya was scheduled to attend an assembly at Cass Technical High School, her alma mater, held in honor of her donation this Friday, October 17th. According to Kenya a scheduling conflict with her family has forced her to postpone the event – which was also to be filmed by Real Housewives Of Atlanta!

Shannon Barr the VP of a public relations firm that works with Kenya (lord is that a company that has been working overtime given the state of Kenya’s behavior!) claims that Kenya still plans to make the donation to the Detroit Public Schools Foundation and says the cancellation “has nothing to do with the donation at all.”


Unfortunately no reschedule date has been set by the star!

“I’m disappointed for a variety of reasons,” Glenda Price, president of the Detroit Public Schools Foundation, told the Detroit Free Press. “The students at Cass Tech were preparing to perform. There has been so much anticipation about her visiting the school.”

Even worse – this is the second time Kenya has let down DPSF! After they waited months to receive Kenya’s donation, last week she also cancelled a planned ceremony to present the check! Originally the assembly was supposed to take place last Tuesday, but then was changed at the last-minute to Friday. 

Last week Kenya issued a statement expressing how important this cause is to her and how much need there is for the Detroit Public School system. We agree… that’s why we started our own fundraiser site to help the students! 

Well we await on bated breath to see how this turns out. Wouldn’t it be awesome if NeNe Leakes told them to hold the ceremony anyway and showed up with a giant $20,000 check of her own?! Then gave a speech about combating “evil people“! #TwirlOnThis

By the way, if you’d like to donate to DPS, you can do so here at Reality Tea’s Go Fund Me site. According to Kenya these poor students are really in need… You’d think she’d do something about it already! 

[Photo Credit: FayesVision/]


Update: Kenya’s rep reached out to say that she did not give that quote to the news site bout Kenya’s father, so we’ve retracted that piece, just FYI. 

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