Bethenny Frankel Thinks Ramona Singer Is "Desperate" To Take Advice From 21-Year Olds

Bethenny Frankel Says Ramona Singer Is “Desperate” To Take Advice From 21-Year Olds

After Ramona Singer unleashed on her in the Berkshires, Bethenny Frankel is steering clear of her Real Housewives Of New York cast mate – even when they’re stuck in the same dank, dark basement together. Otherwise known as Luann D’Agostino’s post-wedding party, designed to celebrate all of the a$$hats who made a mockery of her marriage.

Bethenny breaks down her thoughts on this week’s episode, which she says was certainly easier to live through than last. “Well, this week was a little lighter,” she comments. “If I can host a party where Dorinda Medley experiences ‘just the tip’ and Carole Radziwill swigs from a luge, then my holiday work is done.” Bethenny’s marketing and sales work is done too, I assume, as that holiday party obviously was one giant Skinnygirl commercial.

Taking a moment to touch on Ramona’s cringe worthy antics at dinner with Avery’s friends, Bethenny writes in her blog, “The Ramona Singer 21-year-old advice panel was almost as desperate as her behavior. She is really fishing rather than sitting in the truth. The truth is challenging for Ramona, whether it is expressed in insults, or dresses, or $10k worth of paint damage in your friend’s house.” Damage for which Dorinda is still waiting for an apology, by the way!

As for Luann’s post-wedding party scripted by Bravo Bethenny admits they pretty much all deserved the treatment they got. She jokes, “The Luann D’Agostino post-wedding celebration was comical. We had all survived the trauma of not being invited to Palm Beach, so I guess our imminent fate and torture was to be cordoned off in some depressing basement to be reminded just how insignificant we are.”

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But there’s always a Dorinda toast to lift the crowd’s spirits! Sadly, Dorinda wasn’t nearly inebriated enough this time to deliver the comic genius we’ve become accustomed to. At least, Bethenny points out, “The toast had a beginning, middle, and end, and all consonants were formed.”

The random men roaming Luann’s basement party left a little to be desired too, but Bethenny only comments on one: Frenchy, Sonja’s newest squatter live-in man. She admits, “I love Sonja Morgan, and I am happy if she is, but I am not feeling Frenchy for her. I really think she should be with a man. This will come with time.” Agreed. Frenchy/Edgar smells strongly of grifter and sounds like a Steve Martin impression of a baguette. He’s essentially a walking red flag.

And lastly, Bethenny touches on Tinsley, who Bethenny chalks up as a virtual non-factor this episode. She frankly reflects that she “can’t remember what Tinsley Mortimer did this episode besides befriend Sonja’s assistant. Time for her to move out.” Agreed!


Photo Credit: Bravo

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