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Sheree Whitfield Thinks Marriage Looks Good On Kenya Moore

The Real Housewives of Atlanta fans can rejoice! It seems like we are (finally) in an era when there isn’t a rivalry between Chateau Sheree and Moore Manor.

The back and forth barbs between Kenya Moore and Sheree Whitfield about baseboards, light fixtures, and unfinished basements dragged on for way too long. Aside from putting the mansion battle behind them, it actually seems like the two RHOA costars on good terms. Sure, they’re still throwing shade, but the tension between has definitely thinned out.

Sheree discussed the last RHOA episode in a Bravo blog post. She even paid Kenya a compliment: “I can honestly say that marriage does Kenya good.” Minus the part where Kim Zolciak questioned if Kenya’s husband actually existed. Sheree added, “I am in such a happy place in life and I am willing to put bygones aside to keep my happy!”

With Kim and NeNe Leakes back in the mix, it feels like a throwback to the good old days when the show first started. Even OG cast member Lisa Wu came out of the woodwork for NeNe’s all white party.

Sheree shared, “It was amazing. I run into Lisa Wu from time to time, and we have hung out on several occasions. She’s always a fun time. Kim and I keep in contact regularly. We were only missing DeShawn [Snow], but hopefully we can all get together soon.” Yes, please. I would love to know what DeShawn is up to these days and what she thinks about her effort to raise a million dollars in one night at a charity event she threw in her home. I’ll never forget that effort from Season 1.

There wasn’t a huge fuss made about Lisa’s appearance at the party thanks to Kim’s “surprise” appearance that led to a John Legend infused argument with Kenya. Sheree and Kim have been cool for years and at the same time, Sheree and Kenya are finally getting along, so witnessing the shade fest had to feel awkward for Sheree.

Sheree wrote, “I’ve known Kim for many, many years so I know that she is definitely not one to back down from a confrontation, especially when it involves her children. She will rumble with the best of them. I do know that she is an awesome mom, wife, and friend.” She forgot to add “John Legend super fan” to that list of Kim’s titles.

When it comes down to it, it’s clear that Sheree is on Kim’s side, but she did admit, “I just wanted to make sure that she didn’t get to Kenya and tear up NeNe’s house! LOL!” She did break some glassware though.

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[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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