Kyle Richards

Kyle Richards Backtracks After Saying Brandi Glanville Never Lies When Fans Bring Up Her Old Blogs Where She Accuses Brandi Of Being A Liar

Kyle Richards is on my sh*t list. She has been for a few seasons now. Ok, if I’m being totally honest, I have never cared for Kyle. Her desire to climb to the top of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills foodchain has always rubbed me the wrong way. But after chasing out Lisa Vanderpump, she has for the most part, gotten her way.

So it’s no surprise that Kyle has changed targets this season. Her latest prey is Denise Richards and who she happens to be sleeping with, mainly, Brandi Glanville. The alleged affair between Brandi and Denise is the only real storyline happening on RHOBH. And Kyle is happy to be the ringleader after suddenly siding with Brandi about the whole story.

But fans are not going to let Kyle off the hook for her hypocrisy. Because remember, not too long ago, Kyle was Brandi’s enemy, who thought she was the ultimate liar. So why is Kyle suddenly changing her tune?

Us Weekly reports what Kyle addressed the criticism during a recent appearance on Watch What Happens Live. According to Kyle, “I saw that blog, actually, on Twitter and that was regarding Brandi saying she saw [my sister] Kim [Richards] had done ‘meth’ in the bathroom and honestly I think that was something she said in the moment, angry, and I was worried that would stick because of Kim’s history and that wasn’t true.”


RELATED: Kyle Richards Says She Believes Brandi Glanville’s Story About Denise Richards Because She Doesn’t See Brandi “To Be Someone Who Invents Stories”


She continued, “It wasn’t a detailed story. I’m not here to sit here and say I know the truth or not, but I’m just saying what I believed. And honestly, I do believe [Brandi].” How convenient, right?

Let’s just see what Kyle had to say in her old blog, shall we? Dated back in 2015, Kyle said, “Brandi always puts out lies about people, hoping they stick. Just because Brandi says something doesn’t make it true. She has a tendency to believe her own lies.”


RELATED: Kyle Richards & Brandi Glanville Say Denise Richards Staged Talk With Daughter For Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills; Denise Claps Back


Kyle also said, “As Brandi threw out her last dagger, her vicious comment about my husband not wanting me, I lost it. It was so mean and coming from someone who is so concerned about ‘reckless’ comments … What about my children? Brandi has proven time and again she doesn’t care about hurting anyone … including their family.”

So what is Kyle’s explanation for the change of heart? She recalls running into Brandi, all these years later. Kyle explained, “I bumped into her at Christmastime at the post office and it was, ‘Hi, how are you?’ and she was just really nice. She’s always watching the show and she’s kind of put in her two cents about watching this season.” I’m shook Kyle is claiming that she was at the post office. Imagine bumping into her there!


RELATED: Kyle Richards Is Frustrated With Denise Richards Walking Away; Says Denise Is “Not Really Being Authentic About Who She Was Or How She Felt”


Kyle concluded, “She’s just really nice and I left there and I thought, ‘You know, life is too short. You gotta let bygones be bygones. I just sort of turned a corner in my head.”

It must be nice for Kyle to turn a corner in her head when a whole season of RHOBH is at stake. Never has a trip to the post office produced so much drama.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]