The Best Seasons in the Below Deck Franchise

Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images

If you’ve never watched the Below Deck series on Bravo, what are you even doing with your life? I mean, you’re probably out there working hard, or just like, living your life, being a solid human. Even still, if you haven’t checked out Below Deck, Below Deck Mediterranean, Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Below Deck Down Under, or even that one season of Below Deck Adventure, then just know one thing; you’re missing out. No but really, you are.

That said, sometime in your near future, you might just find yourself in need of a great show to binge. If so, you should consider dipping your toes into this ever-expanding nautical franchise, because it’s a good one. To make sure that you’re not wasting your time, we’ll even help you out a bit. Start with these three seasons of BD first, as they’re each truly the best of the best that this franchise has to offer.

Below Deck Season 3


The casting department for BD Season 3 deserves a raise. To start, Chef Leon Walker loathed Chief Stew Kate Chastain. When he wasn’t making beef cheeks, he was throwing her under the bus to Captain Lee Rosbach. After a kitchen fire, Leon left the boat, which saddened his eccentric sidekick, stewardess Rocky Dakota.

In defense of her fired pal, Rocky stripped down and jumped overboard, only to be returned by a neighboring tender. In other scenes, this stew was often in the laundry room, hooking up with the “taken” Eddie Lucas. Insert production, who brilliantly added in a running gag of soap churning in a washing machine. At this early-on point, camera placements were limited, but their trysts changed this, and now, cameras are everywhere onboard.

Additionally, many fun scenes transpired between Amy Johnson, Connie Arias, Rocky, and Kate, especially when whipped-cream was involved. Likewise, Rocky’s grenadine oysters and salads with Oreo sprinkles will leave you in stitches. Or vomiting, like one of the guests did after eating this meal. Luckily, Chef Ben Robinson boarded, sending Rocky back to the laundry room to continue singing about “ironing the Captain’s shorts.”

This season also had some negative drama. When Eddie and Rocky’s affair came out, Eddie chose denial, leaving Rocky to feel alone, which sucked. Luckily, the viewers put Eddie in the hot seat, and he stepped away from this series for several seasons. Overall, Below Deck Season 3 is one of the best around, and if you are anything like us, you’ll watch it on repeat.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4


Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 1 was a bust. Luckily, BDSY Season 2 saved this spin-off, and we’re thankful, because it’s now one of our favorites. However, due to COVID restrictions, both Seasons 2 and 3 lacked various elements, so this series didn’t really hit its full stride until Season 4. To note, in all three of these later seasons, the viewers are (mostly) gifted with this series three staple cast members, Daisy Kelliher, Gary King, and Colin MacRae.

Out of them all, Season 4 is our favorite, as it’s a whirlwind, with a side of fun. To recap, Colin was single for the first time ever, and he and Daisy started up a boatmance. Later on, we learned that they had actually hooked up prior to filming. Shockingly, so had Daisy and Gary.

Outside of this drama, Season 4 had amazing interior and exterior departments. You’ll love watching these crew members bond, as each were kind and lovable, while also highly skilled in their various roles. Chef Ileisha Dell is the calmest chef in this entire franchise, and she’s also a former circus contortionist, which is fun. Furthermore, Alex Propson gave us the now infamous scene of his drunkenly placed water bottle on Captain Glenn Shephard’s forehead, which will make you laugh, unless you hate humor.

To note, Gary’s playboy ways, which allegedly go far beyond flirtations, have since made headlines. Therefore, Season 5 is now hanging in the balance, and only time will tell how this spin-off fares. Even still, after watching Below Deck Season 3, we recommend that you watch the next greatest thing, which is Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4. Overall, you’ll love this cast, mostly, and that’s a rare thing to be said for this franchise.

Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4


Below Deck Mediterranean Season 4 had a mostly fun, kind cast. In turn, the interior department saw minimal drama unfolding. Instead, Hannah Ferrier, Aesha Scott, and Anastasia Surmava developed a tight friendship. These girls are still close today.

Also, a sweet boatmance formed between the equally hysterical Jack Stirrup and Aesha. In addition, a series favorite returned in Colin Macy-O’Toole, who we want to protect and hug forever. Now, if you’re thinking that this season sounds too loving and drama-free (aka boring), think again. Three different Chefs roll through, so there’s definitely drama on the high seas.

The first one, Mila Kolomeitseva, the “absolute oxygen thief,” was fired after Episode 5, because she (likely) lied on her resume, licked steaks, and couldn’t make nachos. With a culinary background in tow, Anastasia stepped up to help, which saw June Foster coming onboard to assist in the interior department. Enter Hannah’s infamous line of “June, June, Hannah” here.

Finally, Chef Ben returned to save the day, again. However, this led to June’s ousting, as Anastasia had to step back down to her stew role. Sweet baby Colin tried to fall on the sword though, taking June’s firing for the team, until Captain Sandy Yawn stepped in, saying nope.

Sadly, this season of BDM was one of the last fun-loving seasons for this series. So, if you are looking for something fun to watch, we cannot recommend Season 4 enough, as it’s one of the best in the Below Deck franchise.