Andrea Love After Lockup

Love After Lockup Recap: Indecent Proposals

I didn’t think it was possible, but this season of Love After Lockup is the best yet. Lacey is doing what Michael Simmons did last season and taking it to the next level. I love a messy love triangle, and she’s giving us messy and shady in spades. LIVING for her cringe double life between Shane and her fiancé John. She met him on last week’s episode, and that changes everything.

I’m also living for poor Angela and her man Tony that clearly doesn’t love her. I hope things work out for her, but the deeper she gets into this the worse it’ll be. As far as Andrea and Lamondre, are we ever going to actually meet him? Does he really exist? He’s really disrespectful to her, and her entire family hates him. It’s going to be tough to get past that.

Andrea & Lamondre

Andrea Love After Lockup

Lamondre is being released in two days, and Andrea doesn’t seem too happy. She loves him, but she doesn’t enjoy the disrespectful way he spoke to her.

To gain some insight, she’s meeting up with one of his prison friends. His friend says Lamondre puts on a bravado sometimes, and he really wants to be with her.

Andrea’s looking forward to the lavish lifestyle she can live with Lamondre as her man. The glamorous travel locations are enough to keep her in this for the long haul.

Lamondre calls while she’s with his friends, and he apologizes for his previous comments. Hopefully. he really is a changed man. As of now, the hardened criminal Lamondre is all we’ve really seen from him. If he’s truly changed, we haven’t witnessed that transformation yet.

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Andrea wants a classic white wedding dress, but we’ll see if this wedding actually happens. Most of her family skips out on the dress shopping because they don’t approve of who she’s with. The family who does show up is equally disgusted with Lamondre being the man she’s choosing.

She tries on a few dresses, but everything comes to a stop when her mother shows up. She wants to discuss Lamondre and how real this is.

Her mom reassures her that she can get out of the relationship since the wedding isn’t here yet. This is great progress. It sucks to have nobody support you, so thankfully they’re coming around.

Angela & Tony

Angela Love After Lockup

Angela is still on Cloud 9 following her first date with Tony. She has to wait another week before they can have sex, which really disappoints her.

Angela’s friend Tommy looks at her like she’s a whack-job for being so invested in this relationship with Tony. She says Tony is her best friend, and it’s true love. He seems so uncomfortable with the situation and wants her to walk away now.

She wants her friend to be happy for her, but I agree with the red flag signs. The way Tony acted when he got released made me think that he wasn’t being genuine with Angela. However, Angela is adamant that his intentions are pure, and wants her friend to accept it.

What do these people expect? Nobody in their lives is going to be over the moon that they met someone from prison. It’s not exactly Tinder.

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After he friend leaves, he returns and interrupts her interview with producers. WHAT A BOMBSHELL HE HAS FOR HER. He doesn’t think marrying Tony is the right choice for her life. Instead, he offers to marry Angela HIMSELF.

SAY WHAT NOW? I did not see this coming, and now I’m shook. She’s speechless too. She totally friendzones this poor guy.

He’s pushing so hard for this to turn into a relationship, but she’s just not that into him. The conversation is so awkward because they’re never going to happen as a couple. He just made everything so awkward.

She laughs at the idea of ever having sex with him. As of now, Angela remains committed to Tony. The jury is still out about whether Tony is as committed as she is. She’s going to tell Tony about the proposal, but I doubt he’ll really care.

Cheryl & Josh

Josh Cheryl Love After Lockup

Josh asks why Cheryl didn’t have the car windows tinted because he wants to be back there. These people on this show really love the idea of car sex. It’s not THAT great everyone. You’re out of prison now, you can go to a house and a bed.

They set up a blanket outside so they can finally do it though. She worries he might not last long since it’s been over five years. After they sleep together outside, Josh calls his mom. I totally get that. The first thing I do after having sex is call my mom. UH NO.

Unfortunately, his mom is not a fan of Cheryl. That’s going to make it even weirder if his mom watches the show. He invites her to dinner, but Cheryl will be there too. Hopefully, they can get alone and not cause a scene on his first day of freedom.

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Josh has to go to the parole office to find out what his guidelines and restrictions will be. She wants him get transferred to Texas, but that’s not likely to happen.

When he is finished, he comes out saying he has good news and bad news. She asks for the bad news first. He’s getting an ankle monitor, and he has a curfew.

To make things even worse, he has to stay at his mother’s house. The same mother that can’t stand Cheryl. This is a worse case scenario for her. He thinks he can get his mother to move Cheryl in with them.

The good news wasn’t really that good. His parole officer is cool. Your girlfriend is devastated, but hey at least the officer is nice.

Lacey, John, & Shane

Lacey Love After Lockup

Shane really doesn’t seem like a bad guy. This whole thing isn’t fair to him. She loves meeting him and talking to him, but let’s not forget about John. This can’t progress too far with her having a secret fiance.

Shane is mesmerized by Lacey’s beauty and was surprised he wasn’t being catfished. He asks why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, and she says she’s recently divorced. She feels bad for lying, but she’s continuing to do it. No matter how deep their connection grows, there’s no telling how he will react when the truth comes out.

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They go suit shopping, but things go totally off the rails. They get kicked out of the show for fornicating in one of the dressing rooms. Stay classy kids. Who does that? So gross.

Lacey & Shane are at the Quality Inn for some quality intimacy. Shane is so excited to finally sleep with Lacey, but she’s really nervous. John is still a factor here! She doesn’t want to hurt him, but it’s obvious something is going to go down.

She tells him she wants to get to know each other more first. This entire thing is so weird. She picked him up from prison and went to a hotel but doesn’t want to sleep with him. Shane says this makes him want her more, so I guess her ruse is working. For now.

Lizzy & Daniel

Lizzy Daniel Love After Lockup

Daniel is finally a free man! Lizzy’s a little nervous about how he’ll react, but she’s still excited.

Lizzy’s reaction when she sees him is so intense. She’s shaking, and Daniel finds it a little weird. It’s so crazy to think she hasn’t seen him in person in years.

Lizzy wants to have sex with Daniel tonight, but she’s turned off by his new face tattoos. She finds his new markings gross and disgusting. Well damn. I’d love to hear what she’d say about someone she isn’t going to sleep with tonight. Harsh much?

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Daniel is VERY overwhelmed by being back in society. The sounds, the smells, and even riding in a car is too much for him.

Lizzy teases that Daniel still doesn’t know what she was up to while he was in jail. These people and their secrets on this show are too much. Usually, they’re a let down too, so I’m hoping she actually has something juicy to reveal.

Vincent & Amber

Amber Vincent Love After Lockup

It is WILD to think that Vincent and Amber have been dating for nearly two years. You would think people that have talked that long would have more chemistry.

Vincent takes Amber clothes shopping since she doesn’t own many things. He says they need to find her some workout clothes next. That isn’t her lifestyle at all.

She told him months ago that she wasn’t interested in working out with him. Amber’s upset that he’s trying to spring it on her. He figured they’d do it while he’s visiting, but she’s not for it at all.

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He’s being crazily pushy here, and she’s getting more frustrated by the second. She isn’t opposed to working out, but she doesn’t want to do it with him since he’s intense about everything. Fair enough.

If you combine that with his serial killer vibes, it’s understandable that she’d want to limit alone time with him. SO SO SO AWKWARD. Their 22-month relationship is crumbling rapidly.


[Photo Credit: WE tv]