Sonja Morgan Blames Dorinda Medley For RHONY Season 8 Being So Negative; Says She And Luann Will Always Be Friends

Sonja Morgan on WWHL

Real Housewives Of New York was a little light on the Sexy J this season, and according to Sonja Morgan, that’s what took season 8 into the darkside.

After a season of friendship betrayal, cheating scandals, slut-shaming, name calling, meanness, vitriol, and eating disorders, Sonja doesn’t hesitate to call it “dark” and admit it wasn’t her “favorite season” to film.

However, Sonja believes a little ‘Sonja humor’ could have gone a long way to lightened things up. Sonja still blames Dorinda Medley icing her out of the Berkshires trip for sending everything in such a negative direction.”I felt they could have used a little comedic lift,” she laments.


Yes, Sonja is STILL angry about the Berkshires. Actually, she’s furious at Dorinda in general! Sonja describes her former friend as a user, manipulator, and phony!

Dorinda calls when she wants something, usually invites or to meet somebody. Then she plays this holier-than-thou thing like she wants to protect me, and that was very flimsy,” Sonja accuses. “I’ve been on the show for so long, I don’t need protecting from my friends! She’s the newbie! You can just tell how duplicitous she is because everyone knows I don’t lie.”

Sonja also blames Dorinda for Jules Wainstein having such a hard time, and for Luann de Lesseps getting together with the philandering Tom. Basically, what are you doing here WITH Dorinda (because she’ll ruin your life!) What’s next – is Sonja gonna blame Dorinda for staining her cashmere?!

Dorinda “brought Jules on [to the show] and practically fed that girl to the wolves,” Sonja complains. “And then she wants to act like she’s there to protect her when she brought her on? The whole concept is duplicitous. You can’t act like you are there to protect people, but then you put the girl on who has an eating disorder and a marriage that’s falling apart.”

Is Jules a 30-something adult, or a child? I’m confused there…

“Then you introduce Luann to a huge playboy,” Sonja scoffed to Yahoo Celebrity. “Clearly, if Sonja Morgan is fooling around with him on the down low, he’s not marriage material. Come on.”

Dorinda isn’t the only person facing Sonja’s wrath – Sonja’s friendship with Ramona Singer is kaput, as in no more Ramonja Turtle Time! “I’m not talking to Ramona,” Sonja confirms.

“When we wrapped, I thought we were cool because she reached out to me and wanted to help me, and then I thought she was being duplicitous as well,” continues Sonja. “I saw she was saying s*** about me and Tipsy Girl when she was shooting with Dorinda. Besides, they both wanted in on Tipsy Girl … so that hurt my feelings. But when you lose that trust, that’s hard.”

Sonja isn’t angry with everyone, however. She and Bethenny Frankel have overcome their Tipsy Girl issues and “are cool.”

Also, Sonja’s friendship with Luann is back on track despite initially arguing over Tom. Apparently, Sonja has realized he’s just so not worth it! Sonja assures, “We always are going to be friends. We’re going to be friends the next 35 years.” That friendship is a mainstay in Sonja’s life and one she plans to keep.

Luann and I have always had issues with guys,” Sonja acknowledges. “Other than these men, Lu and I are very cool. I’m not a judgmental person, and she isn’t either. She really isn’t. She’s sensitive – people call her names, but I don’t. I think we get through everything.” Everything from pirates, to Tom, Dicks, and Harrys

Getting through everything also includes Sonja supporting Luann’s wedding journey. “She needs to get down that aisle, that’s it. She needs to get the ring on. She needs to get on with the wedding,” Sonja encourages. “I’ll be there. She wants me there too, of course.”

So the $7 million dollar bankrupt question: After such a negative season will Sonja give Real Housewives Of New York another go? Of course! “Yes, I’d come back. If Bravo wants me and it works for me and my kid, I’m back.”

I think Bravo will always want Sonja back…


[Photo Credit: Bravo]