Ramona Singer & Luann D'Agostino

Luann D’Agostino And Bethenny Frankel Are Disgusted By Ramona Singer; Tired Of Her Shenanigans

If there’s one thing Ramona Singer excels at it’s bringing unlikely frienemies together to marvel at her crazy. It even worked on Bethenny Frankel and Luann D’Agostino, who both agree that the Singer Stinger has no place at Luann’s wedding. Or in their lives for that matter.

Good lord – Ramona was SO clueless in the latest episode of Real Housewives Of New York that even I’m shocked. Ramona begged Luann for invite to the wedding, just so she could turn her down? She actually told people this! Yet she’s still upset that Luann decided “no way” on inviting her?


“If you were me, would you invite Ramona to your wedding?Luann quips. “What if your friend said to you that she wanted to be invited yet had no intention of actually attending your wedding? Confused? Me too. When Ramona blurted out that mutual friends were placing bets on if we would make it down the aisle, I’d had enough of her shenanigans and explained to her that this is exactly why she wasn’t on the guest list.”

RELATED – It’s That Singer Stinger!

Ramona’s instability is exactly why Luann doesn’t trust one of the appropriate multiple-pinot-personlaities to appear anyway. “I don’t want any drama at my wedding, and including Ramona would be risky,” she writes in her Bravo blog. “She might be calm and happy or she could decide to let her freak flag fly. You just never know.” And you just never want to!

Even Bethenny couldn’t agree more. “What Ramona said to Luann, who I have no love lost with, was hard to believe, yet so typical of her that it was easy to believe after all,” she scoffs. “To so insensitively talk about wagering over someone’s marriage was staggering.”  Well, I mean, didn’t Bethenny do the same thing last season? But I digress as the hypocrisy of Housewives is such a given.

After Ramona’s poor communication skills sloshed onto everything, Bethenny decided the best way to deal is to avoid her completely. “I simply don’t want to be around Ramona.”

“You can see where lines have been drawn and some possible irreparable damage being done,” Bethenny adds. “I didn’t go to Ramona’s party. I would make that decision again were it tomorrow.” And miss Tru-Renewal 35,000?! But there may be gift bags!?

“From my perspective and based on my personal values, her behavior has always spoken for itself,” blogs Bethenny. “This trajectory is simply reprehensible. Typically, if I don’t want anything to do with someone, I don’t show up at their party. As direct as I am about that, I am equally as direct about my wishing her health and happiness, love and light.”

Bethenny is equally disgusted by Ramona’s “bizarre attempt at communicating with me” which “was masked by the deranged faces she was making while talking at me.” After that Bethenny had enough and walked out.

“It is time to let this one go for now,” Bethenny concludes. “Maybe I will get to a different place.”

RELATED – Does Ramona Want Luann To Embarrass Herself?

On tonight’s episode of Real Housewives of New York, Bethenny and Dorinda go furniture shopping and Bethenny opens up about her apartment dramas. Meanwhile, Ramona turns to a more mature source for advice – her daughter Avery, and Tinsley, Ramona, and Sonja go out on the town where Tinsley is warned by Sonja to avoid cougar-ing! Finally, Dorinda hosts a charity event where Bethenny and Tom come face-to-face for the first time, and Carole receives intel from one of Luann’s ‘friends’ that things aren’t so perfect between the couple. Will no one let Luann and Tom alone?! Seriously – girls, get a life!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]