Kristen Taekman Reacts To Dorinda Medley’s Rage And Bethenny Frankel’s Berkshires Meltdown


Kristen Taekman went to the Berkshires expecting to have a peaceful weekend in beautiful surroundings, but instead she found herself in the midst of Dorinda Medley‘s rage! You guys, Kristen wasn’t trying to entice John at World Bar – she was just trying to dance and have fun – she didn’t deserve to be Frotteured!

Giving her side of the story over the drama with Dorinda’s boyfriend John, and Bethenny Frankel‘s ice princess routine, the Real Housewives Of New York star is frankly shocked that everything escalated to such heights! Well, they were in the mountains… 

For Kristen it’s all Ramona Singer‘s fault that she got berated by Dorinda. “Ramona is such a sh– stirrer!” Kristen complains. “Ramona is constantly in the middle of it all. She starts it and passes it off to everyone else. Makes me nuts! So I was dumb for telling Dorinda to her face as opposed to talking behind her back? HELLO!”


Explaining her perspective, Kristen still feels she did nothing wrong to deserve Dorinda’s vitriol. “The dance started off as fun and silly, and it quickly shifted to my being uncomfortable, and I excused myself. That’s that,” she writes in her Bravo blog.”I now know John and his personality, and I get it. At the time I didn’t get it. I had no idea of the history behind this topic before this particular day in the Berkshires. John is sort of known for his inappropriateness? UGH… Not a big deal–no harm no foul.”

While Kristen is way, way over the situation with John, reliving the tongue lashing she received from Dorinda is another matter! “So, Dorinda goes off on me, and I am IN SHOCK! She is clearly very sensitive to the whole John topic. Very defensive.” 

“I had no idea that she had this in her. I really love Dorinda at this point, so I am mortified by what’s happening!” Kristen continues. “When she starts talking about Josh and then about the fact that me dancing with John is shameful because I’m a mother was unbelievable! Whoa, whoa, slow down…”

I agree with Kristen – at first the dancing was fun, then she got uncomfortable and she bailed.  To later tell Dorinda it was awkward and she was creeped out, is pretty warranted. Yes, Kristen initially was participating (which she admitted to), but when she was over it she clearly removed herself from the situation. How is that “coquettish” behavior? I personally believe that’s setting the right example, especially because she didn’t cause a big scene at the party. Moving on. 


Because they are now friends, Kristen is empathetic to what went down. “Dorinda is very emotional and going through a rough time. I know that she doesn’t mean the horrible things she said. After she freaks out on me, she starts crying about Richard and how when she was 40, he was with her by her side, etc., and now he’s gone. She started crying, then I started crying thinking what if something happened to Josh and he wasn’t around in 10 years. I can’t imagine! I know how hard this all is, but still, for her to make all those criticisms about me… Oh, and then I was reminded about how much of a BITCH Ramona is!” Well anything that reminds one that Ramona is a BITCH is a good thing. 

However, Kristen remains pissed about one thing: double-standards concerning Sonja Morgan. “I love how Sonja gets left out of this whole conversation when she was the one who was inappropriately bumping and grinding on John, and then later in the Berkshires she continued the same behavior?” I agree with her there! 

And now, it’s time to talk the nut that is Frankel. Kristen explains they weren’t disparaging Bethenny at the Red Lion Inn – they were trying to understand her. “What you all don’t realize is that she just wasn’t around much when we were all hanging out. And because Heather [Thomson] and I haven’t gotten to know her yet, at this point we have no idea what’s going on in her private life (I am watching now just like you are), and so we are totally confused as to why she’s back–what does she want from the group?”

“We’ve invited her places, but she can’t/won’t come. We are viewing this as not really up for making the effort,” explains Kristen. “Friends are something that it seems Bethenny could use right about now. Not everyone is out to get her. Some of us are actually really great ladies with big, kind hearts.”

Kristen also defends her comment that as a single mother Bethenny could make more of an effort and again explains she had no idea the restrictions involved in Bethenny’s custody agreement. “I feel for what Bethenny must be going through, but up until this point (that is, until I watched this episode), I had no idea to what extent her time has been limited with her daughter due to the custody issues.”

“The fact is, unfortunately, the two of us have kind of been like ‘two ships that pass in the night.’ We haven’t really had the opportunity to get to know each other,” Kristen says. “I haven’t had a lot of one-on-one time with Bethenny. So, up until now it just seems like a real lack of effort. Nothing against her parenting–I learned about all of that the same time you did.” 

And finally, the infamous birthday dinner party where the drama with Bethenny and Heather Went. Down. Kristen is clearly Team Heather. When Bethenny showed up initially Kristen was excited. “I am thinking, ‘Wow, how cool, she is making an effort, good for her.’ She made a whole fun day of it with her daughter, put her to bed, and she gets to have some time for herself! Great!”

Over dinner, Kristen changed her tune. It seems that fish and Housewives dinners do not merry make…  “Not sure how this dinner turned into a therapy session. Awkward, uncomfortable…what the hell happened?! Bethenny just wants to be, we get it.”

Heather is very nurturing and sensitive to others’ needs, that’s what makes her such a great friend! We all went to a great lunch earlier in the day and brought home some leftovers,” recalls Kristen. “Heather remembered that and simply offered some to Bethenny. That’s all. We are all trying here–Bethenny is a hard one to crack…that’s that!” 

Here’s the takeaway message, kids, the RHONY cannot go to the Berkshires without a full-fledged ‘WTF!?’ meltdown. They should just take a trip there every season – who will draw the psychotic break from reality card next season?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]