There was a lot of shade in the Clubhouse tonight! Real Housewives of Dallas star Cary Deuber and Southern Charm’s Thomas Ravenel were hanging with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live. Thomas and Cary both snarked on their co-stars and their co-stars hit right back via Twitter during the show.
Andy starts out reading one of Kathryn Dennis’s tweets from tonight to get Thomas’s thoughts on them. (see them all at the end of this post) The Tweet he read was, “I’ve heard a lot, I’ve read a lot. & I’ll only say this: Thomas knows what to do and what to stop doing to see his children.” Thomas plays dumb and says he doesn’t know what she’s referring to.
Andy brings up the question of whether Thomas and Landon Clements hooked up – he doesn’t give a straight answer but deflects and talks about Craig’s response to it last week on WWHL. Kathryn definitely believes they’ve hooked up as you’ll see below.
Andy asks Cary if her husband is just a little bit gay but she says he’s “metro.”
Cary’s the one who put the “poop” on LeeAnne’s chair does she think Brandi took too much of the heat for it? “Yeah, probably. I put the poop on there, but she wore the hat.”
A caller wants to know what it is about Kathryn that keeps him coming back for more? “She’s an amazing woman, tremendous personality. We’ve seen one side of her but there’s another side of her that could charm a bird out of a tree. She’s sweet and she’s beautiful and sexy. And the mother of my children.” He says he tried to make it work and that’s how they got the second child.
Does he think he and Kathryn could get back together again? “No, because at this point I have to think about the children. Our relationship is too combustible and they don’t need that negative energy.”
What does Thomas’ family think about his situation with Kathryn being displayed on TV? “They don’t like it at all. They don’t think it’s good for the kids, they want us to have a positive relationship and to harmoniously co-parent these children. We have a moral obligation to do that and to ensure they have a happy and healthy upbringing.”
Andy points out that he seems to go after Kathryn a lot on Twitter. “I think they’re more retaliatory. Sometimes I have a problem controlling my temper. I’ve stopped doing that lately.” He says that Whitney thinks he should have a breathalyzer on his Twitter account so he can’t Tweet while intoxicated.
Next question is for Cary: what does she think of Brandi and Stephanie’s childish behavior? “They’re fun girls and I love them, they’re really funny. They’re really, really intelligent women and I think you’re gonna see that more and more. They’re just really playful together, though.”
A caller asks Thomas why Patricia hates Kathryn so much? “I don’t know if I want to go there.Who knows? She doesn’t want the drama, perhaps.”
Why does Cary think LeeAnne is so jealous of her? Marital status? Money? “I think it’s everything.I think maybe she’s a little insecure. I am a professional woman, I have a family, I have a great husband and she doesn’t.”
Is Thomas seeing anybody? If not, what qualities is he looking for? “Currently I’m not seeing anyone.” (see Kathryn’s tweets below regarding this topic!) “The qualities I’m looking for: someone who’s normal, infer from that what you will.Someone who is not volatile.” Cary asks if he has an age range but he says he’s narrowed it down to hair color. “red heads need not apply.”
Does Thomas think Shep will ever settle down? “I think he will. I think he should..with Landon. Some man is gonna land Landon and he’s gonna be bawling his eyes out. And he’ll have nobody to blame but the person he’s looking at when he’s shaving.”
Ouch. Andy reads a Tweet from LeeAnne that says at least she didn’t steal her man from a well respected woman and then says that Cary isn’t a nurse, she’s a ‘first assistant.’ Cary says “I’m a certified registered nurse, first assistant, which means I’m a nurse and then some. And I didn’t take my husband he came to me after he was separated.”
A viewer asks when the last time Thomas hooked up with Kathryn was – he says back in December. He jokes about hoping she’s not pregnant with #3.
Cary says her husband was fine with it when she went to the strip club.
Andy gives Kim Fields his Jackhole of the Day because she’s going against her doctor’s orders and staying on Dancing With the Stars despite a stress fracture in her ankle.
The poll question was: would you be mad if your significant other went to a strip club? 59% said yes.
A few snippets from the After Show:
Cary on LeeAnne’s makeup “Well, she’s from the carnival, you know.”
A caller says Thomas should just get together with Patricia since he seems to need someone older with a pedigree.
“We need to have a custodial agreement. And she won’t counter-propose and tell me what she wants. I’ve made her an offer but neither of us want to go to court, so..”
He says he doesn’t regret not marrying her (it would’ve given him more parental rights if he had). He reiterates that the relationship is too volatile.
Cary brought Andy a gift – a bidet attachment for his toilet and cups that read “Boobs by Deubs.”
See Kathryn’s Tweets below:
Who is Landon? What is she talking about? She didn’t even say that right. Does she even go here???
I don’t speak dolphin but…after Landon’s sudden moment(?) over me I might just have to question her stability…
And her story that went something like “I never said anything about you I’ve never done anything to you.” #Lolz #WrongLadder
Let’s #adult for 140 characters: The person to blame for upsetting me is Thomas. His “info” is practically public knowledge by now..
she acts like I’m a “nothing” yet I apparently do everything she just talks about doing 😉
Cough. Landon. Hmm hmm. Whitney he/she it’s w/e). Cough. #ANDSHEDOESNTEVENKNOWHERE #NOTlocal #blessyou
Heh! Oui. She was trying to jump on my wave after wave and couldn’t stay on so yasss, she is dehydrated/salty as a saltine
negativity attracts negativity. I set myself free from the hurt/false idols & now negativity repels me. God is good!
since the “record” has been lied on, wonder when Lando +T-Rex will set their record straight. Things have yet to be unveiled..or do they? 😉
Thomas has a 20 year old girlfriend who didn’t graduate high school practically living with him. She sent a video rubbing her bottom…
..all over every single counter in Thomas Ravenel’s home [where our children’s bedrooms are right upstairs]. What is your actual message??
Thomas. Landon. You guys hooked up. Everyone knows…nobody is in the dark…k? Save yourselves.
Photo Credit: Twitter