RHOP Candiace Dillard Real Housewives Of Potomac

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Last week’s Real Housewives of Potomac season premiere set the stage for a drama-filled season. The cookie moment between Gizelle Bryant and Karen Huger was iconic. It’s so fun watching those two ladies try to outdo each other in the shade department. We also got that NASTY scene with Michael and Ashley Darby that our eyes can never unsee. We deserve a public apology for that moment.

The drama between Candiace Dillard and her mom looked like it might spoil her big day. Her mom simply did not want her half brother there. Last week they fought over the situation, but surely they won’t fight at the wedding right? Her mom is her own biggest fan, so she might want to put the spotlight on herself. I cannot wait for this roller coaster wedding episode with the entire cast present. 

Potomac might have the best taglines right now. They’re just so in sync with what’s going on, but not over the top. I just love all the callbacks to iconic moments from last season. The umbrella moment anyone? Not a HUGE fan of Robyn Dixon’s though. It’s almost as blah as she is. I guess it’s fitting then. 

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Karen Huger Explains Matt Byars’ Role In Her Life

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Gizelle isn’t exactly a Teresa Giudice bodybuilder, but she looks so GOOD. One thing that’s still confusing is how is Gizelle actually considering being with Sherman Douglas again. It will take a lot more than counseling for them to get over him ghosting her. Her Rocky-like workout was hilarious though. Gizelle isn’t the next ninja warrior, so it’s hilarious watching her exert herself on any level. She looked great doing it though.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

I still can’t believe how insane Candiace’s mom’s reaction was to her brother attending the wedding. Regardless of their issues, it’s nice to see her mom attend the gown reveal. While it’s cool her mom is there, she is SO SHADY. There’s honestly no need to shade Candiace over the wedding gown because she wants a petty moment. Even at Candiace’s special moments, she is trashing her for wanting family at her wedding.

How is Candiace wanting her brother there considered daddy issues? Her mom actually called her a brat and a narcissit over this. She reminds me a lot of Momma Joyce, but she might actually be more vicious. The way she talks down to her daughter is just not okay. It does explain a lot though about why Candiace never speaks up against her. Nobody wants to go through World War 3 just speaking your mind. Isn’t it the BRIDE’S day?

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Season 4 Premiere Recap

RHOP Gizelle Bryant Real Housewives Of Potomac

Candiace’s wedding day arrives, and everyone looks SO GOOD. It’s nice that Monique Samuels is ready to apologize to Gizelle and Sherman. Gizelle probably would never return the favor, but kudos to Monique for being the bigger person. Speaking of Gizelle, watching her talk to herself in the mirror was so bizarre but SUCH a real moment.

I CANNOT believe that Sherman let Gizelle down again. He just set her up for humiliation with these ladies at the wedding. You can hear the genuine hurt and embarrassment in her voice. Word on the street is that Gizelle needs to pick better men in the future.

Candiace Dillard Mom RHOP Real Housewives Of Potomac

I cannot handle Candiace’s mom making the wedding all about her. She has a massive ego. Maybe her mom is the actual Grande Dame of Potomac. Her head might be too big for her crown though. Why would a mother want to add to her daughter’s stress on the big day? Ugh.

RHOP Monique Samuels Real Housewives Of Potomac

Monique is one of the first women to arrive and I have a random realization. She is funny. Monique is actually REALLY funny. Honestly, Potomac is SO underrated. It has both the drama and the humor, and more people should give it a chance.

It’s a little awkward her and Ashley didn’t acknowledge each other. They’re sitting right next to one another and being so petty. It just seems pointless to make yourself uncomfortable like that. YOU DID HAVE THOSE DRINKS SO STOP PLAYING MONIQUE.

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Season 4 Taglines Revealed

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Candiace really is THAT housewife. She is so over the top on her wedding day in the best possible way. She’s so consumed by her emotions, and has no problem showing it all. Candiace looks stunning in her dress, and I’m glad this day is finally here for her. She’s endured so much flack from her mother and the other women about her relationship. Now she’s finally about the walk down the aisle and prove everyone wrong, and I love that for her.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Gizelle arrives solo and my heart totally breaks for her. AGAIN WITH PEOPLE IGNORING EACH OTHER. Karen arrives, and pretends Gizelle isn’t in the room. You have how much history with each other. Just say hi. Plus, Gizelle baked cookies for you! The motives were shady, but cookies are a heavenly gift.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

I absolutely loved watching Candiace’s entrance. Honoring all of the people who got her to this point was heartwarming to watch. Chris Bassett’s vows were a little strange, and Gizelle pointing it out was a ceremony highlight.

Weddings are supposed to be emotional, but Candiace’s never ending waterworks was SOMETHING. She’s probably just glad to not have to deal with monster mother of the bride. I love love so I do wish them a lifetime of happiness, but NEVER LEAVE POTOMAC. She’s been such a highlight since her arrival last season. She is who she is with no apologies, and it’s refreshing.

There’s really no excuse for being late like that the way Robyn and Juan Dixon were. Just show up. Be there on time. You already have no storyline, so at least show up where you’re supposed to be. You can’t waltz into a wedding well after the fact and THEN CONSIDER PRETENDING YOU WERE THERE ALL ALONG.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

I’m living for Karen calling Ashley’s marriage a “fake the nation” marriage. Then, the comment about suing for the restaurant to give it to her mother gave me more life. That would be the ultimate insult to injury. How awkward was it watching Karen and Gizelle sitting next to each other? Why wouldn’t Karen swap places with Ashley and sit next to Monique instead? It seems like she’s putting herself in an unnecessary awkward situation.

RELATED: Karen Huger Teases “Lies From The Past Will Be Revealed” This Season On Real Housewives Of Potomac

Can we also discuss Monique shading Gizelle and Sherman’s relationship in her interview? That proves she is not remorseful. How can she want to apologize face to face, but then shade Gizelle behind her back? Be cool, don’t be all uncool.

The reception room is GORGEOUS. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. I love how over the top Candiace is. She’s up there with Porsha Williams right now as one of my favorites.

RHOP Monique Samuels Gizelle Bryant Real Housewives of Potomac

Gizelle was not feeling Monique on any level. She wanted no part of her very late apology. Who can blame her though? Monique purposely went out of her way to expose Sherman’s past for no real reason. That was arguably the biggest factor in him not wanting to associate with the group. Her getting ghosted again can basically be traced back to messy Monique and her antics. Not only did she cause this, BUT she chose to “apologize” on the night Gizelle got ghosted again.

Read the room Monique and realize she doesn’t want to talk to you. It was annoying watching Monique’s husband come to the rescue. She sought out the conversation so she should be able to finish it. Gizelle has every right to be upset, and running away will only make things worse. I can’t believe I’m Team Gizelle here, but right is right and messy is wrong.

Candiace made such a big deal about her brother being at her wedding, and we barely saw him. That’s fine, but it just felt like a waste of time talking about him if he’s nowhere around. He said nothing, and just kind of sat that. Alright then.

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Robyn Dixon Thinks Karen Huger Sends Many Conflicting Messages

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Karen and Monique were not at all receptive to Ashley trying to make conversation with them. The Darby’s are not popular in this group and for good reason. They’re the messiest in all of Potomac and possibly the most dishonest. Also, on a personal level I’m not speaking to them either after that GROSS scene last week. Just ew. So much ew forever.  

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

I’m glad Gizelle was the bigger person at the end and accepted Monique’s apology. Gizelle even went up to KAREN and said she wanted her friend back. Whatever she’s drinking at this wedding is like miracle juice. Gizelle started out this wedding ignoring both of the women, and ended it seeking new beginnings with both.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Candiace’s song was interesting. The sentiment was cute. It wasn’t the next Grammy-winning track, but it was adorable and the love was clearly there. I see you Candiace. Maybe, Luann de Lesseps has a guest spot for you on her cabaret tour.

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Here Comes The Bride

Michael comes across more like Ashley’s father than her husband. Their dynamic is so confusing and makes me highly uncomfortable. There’s so much about him that is off. He radiates a creepy vibe.

THE BROTHER SPEAKS. I needed him to say something. ANYTHING. Thank you for giving us that. That’s the perfect way to end this wedding. I just wanted him to have one line to make it all worth it.

RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Gizelle Bryant Says It Was “Ridiculous” When Karen Huger Didn’t Open The Door During Her Surprise Visit


[Photo Credit: Bravo]