Corey Simms And Miranda Simms Share Their Thoughts On Video Of Ali On Teen Mom 2

Corey Simms and Miranda Simms

This week on Teen Mom 2, Leah Messer and her self-righteous squad, which consists of her cousin Chasity and her sister Victoria, set out to make Corey and Miranda Simms look bad. During what I believe was set up, Chasity taped Ali complaining about Miranda not helping her carry her backpack after school, as well as Corey and Miranda giving all their attention to baby Remi. Of course, Chasity promptly shared the video with Leah, who then played it for Victoria.

There aren’t enough words to describe the righteous indignation that followed. Nor are there enough seats in West Virginia for Leah, Chasity, and Victoria to take. Because, really?! Miranda asking Ali to carry her backpack while she tends to her premature infant is the worst thing ever, but Leah gets a pass for flying high as a kite, texting and nodding off while driving, feeding her children crappy food, if they get any food at all, being oblivious to her toddler wandering alone around the neighborhood, and the list goes on. Leah makes me stabby.


Corey and Miranda shared their thoughts on the video, and thankfully, Leah wasn’t around to “monkey” them.

Miranda admitted to MTV that she felt heartbroken listening to Ali on the video, insisting, “I always try to carry Ali‘s backpack for her. I would never try to do any harm to the children or create any kind of task that I know Ali cannot do.”

“I’m not saying how she felt was wrong; her feelings are important,” she added. “I just hope that we can move on – and I hope that the girls feel comfortable no matter where they are at one time.”

Corey, who I trust infinitely more than Leah (or anyone related to Leah), came to Miranda‘s defense, “Miranda has been around the girls since they were two years old. Miranda is aware of what Ali’s capable of and what she’s not capable of doing. If Miranda would have felt that the backpack was too heavy, she would not have made her carry the backpack.”

RELATED: Leah Messer Fights Back After Losing Custody Of The Twins

As for Ali’s second complaint, that Remi gets all the attention, both Corey and Miranda admit they had no idea Ali felt this way. But, really, most kids feel this way when there’s a new baby in the house. It hardly means Corey and Miranda are neglectful.

Miranda insisted, “After Remi was born, I’ve never seen any type of jealousy that the girls had towards Remi or any kind of feeling that they felt left out. Yes, it would be a big change for two six-year-olds to have a new baby in their lives when they’re used to just being the kids in the house.”

Miranda added that she understands Leah‘s reaction – to feel sad for Ali and upset with Miranda – but she wishes Leah would have handled it differently. I agree. Totally. Leah should have shared her concerns with Corey and Miranda, directly, instead of her rabid, obnoxious sister, who called Miranda a “lazy bitch” and said Miranda needs to treat Ali and Aleeah like she would a child who came out of her “own twat.” #SoClassy 

That said, Miranda claimed, “I think we’re at a better place now.”

Note to Leah and Corey and Miranda: if Ali were in her wheelchair, like she is supposed to be, no one would need to carry her backpack. 😉


Photo Credit: Twitter