Teddi Mellencamp Camille Grammer

Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Says She Wasted Her Time Attending Camille Grammer’s Hawaii Wedding

For all you long time Beverly Hills fans, isn’t it great to see more of Camille Grammer this year? Camille shot out of the reality show cannon during Season 1 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a woman with a take-no-prisoners attitude. She was snarky, unfiltered, elitist and more than a tad mean. You know-the perfect Housewife! And her almost comical feud with Kyle Richards was a driving force during the first season of the show.

After a humbling and humiliating public divorce from Kelsey Grammer-and maybe after seeing the public backlash to her haughty ways, Camille seemed to be a changed woman. She was a little kinder, a little gentler and was not nearly as snide or sarcastic after Season 1. Was this a new Camille? Or was she just better able to hide her mean girl ways to protect her public image? Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave might vote for option number two and she is not shy about telling us why.

In her Bravo blog this week, Teddi shares some of her thoughts about Camille. Teddi starts out by stating, “Yep, I know that I have a big mouth (thanks, Camille). I also know that Camille would rather open hers to talk badly behind people’s backs and then quickly turn around and talk nicely to their face.” Oh Teddi-without Housewives talking behind each other’s backs and smiling to their faces, you would not be employed by Bravo!

Teddi does have a point, however. Season 1 Camille started showing her face again a few seasons ago with her barely veiled-and somewhat justified-disdain for Dorit Kemsley. And Season 1 Camille has been back in full force this season, making ugly comments about Lisa Vanderpump’s dental hygiene of all things.

This week, Camille also shaded Teddi in a big way, after Teddi kept inserting herself into the conversation between Dorit and Kyle at the Boy George concert. Dorit was trying to explain and apologize for hubby PK Kemsley’s sarcastic joke about Kyle’s broken friendship with Lisa-and Teddi could not stop interrupting the conversation. An exasperated Dorit finally asked Teddi for “30 seconds” to talk to Kyle.

RELATED: Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Wants To Write A Health And Fitness Book

Teddi’s interruptions also obviously annoyed Camille, who declared in her talking head, “I’m going to side with Dorit on this one. Teddi and her big mouth! Know-it-all Teddi. It’s not the right time to insert herself into that conversation. Period.” It is safe to say that Teddi was not thrilled to hear these comments about herself. Not even a know-it-all wants to actually be called a know-it-all!

Acknowledging that she contributed to stirring up the drama, Teddi admitted in her blog, “I know that I inserted myself into the Dorit/Kyle conversation, but I think my instincts about what was happening were validated by that PK/Ken phone call.” The first part of fixing a problem is admitting it exists Teddi-so kudos to you! Sometimes I think your parents should have named you “Talky Jo” instead of Teddi Jo! Every conversation doesn’t have to be like the finals of the high school state debate championships, Teddi.

RELATED: Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Does Not Think Lisa Rinna’s Birthday Tweet To Lisa Vanderpump Was Meant To Malicious

Maybe it was inevitable that Camille and Teddi would clash. They share a dry sense of humor and both can be overly sensitive when challenged. And each of them seem hell-bent on having the last word in a disagreement-and that need can sometimes cloud their judgment.

Wrapping up her blog, Teddi acknowledges that she might have had clouded judgment in one respect-for attending Camille’s wedding to David C. Meyer in Hawaii. Teddi says, “That’s all I know for right now. Because if I truly knew it all, I would have known how Camille actually felt about me and not wasted my time going to her wedding.”

Ouch! But Teddi should also know by now that no Housewife time is “wasted time”-as long as you are getting screen time, all is good in Beverly Hills! And how bad can a few days in Hawaii be?

RELATED: Teddi Mellencamp Arroyave Backs Kyle Richards In Her Fight With Lisa Vanderpump

So, where does this leave the relationship between Teddi and Camille? I am not sure, but hopefully, we will find out as the season goes on. All I know right now is that if Teddi has not yet sent Camille a wedding present, Mrs. Meyer should not be expecting one any time soon.


[Photo Credit: Isabella Vosmikova/Bravo]