Real Housewives Of New York Dorinda Medley

Dorinda Medley Says It’s “Tough” To Watch Herself On Real Housewives Of New York This Season

The Real Housewives of New York has hit the ground drunk and stumbling this season. To be fair, the women of New York have always been intoxicated messes. Losing teeth in clubs, turtle time, falling into bushes, and making out naked in pools. No shade. It’s all incredible! That said, arguably one of the messiest of the group is none other than Dorinda Medley. What little I can understand of what Dorinda says drunk is enough to take the cake with this crew. And that’s saying a lot.

This season we have watched Dorinda struggle with her break from “boyfriend”John Mahdessian while continuing to mourn her late husband, Richard. In last week’s episode these feelings all bubbled to the surface when we watched Dorinda lash out at Tinsley Mortimer. I’m still not sure what Tinsley ever did to Dorinda, other than be born into wealth. Dorinda is still a dog with a bone continuing to bash Tinsley recently for “never owning anything“. Like, what? Dorinda at least half of your storylines are based on your late husband’s house that you let Carole Radziwill name your first season. Relax. Even though in this week’s episode Dorinda switched the focus of her anger to Ramona Singer, she is still talking about watching herself scream at Tinsley last week.

Dorinda told Us Weekly about the May 14th episode “Yes. Absolutely it was a tough episode to watch…But I think the thing is — that there’s a lot of things going on and obviously we can’t break the fourth wall.” Dorinda continued to blame her circumstances rather than her drinking saying “There’s a lot of things coming up and a lot of things, like, that I am going through myself that are making me definitely on edge and uptight.”

Again, trying to defend her actions Dorinda explained “I think I say it at the winery — I just feel vulnerable and scared and overwhelmed.” Scared and overwhelmed by what? Drinking wine by someone who rightfully pointed out you’re a hypocrite? I think you mean you felt intoxicated and annoyed. When’s the last time you saw someone scream about wanting curly hair when they were scared? Me either.


RELATED: Dorinda Medley Feels Ramona Singer Has Been “Insensitive” To Her Feelings


Apparently, Dorinda is having a hard time behind the scenes. She was even considering not returning to this season, saying,  “[I] thought, ‘I can’t do this. I just can’t take another thing.’” In the end, Dorinda said she “…decided to be a housewife, and you have to be a housewife [in] good times [and] bad times, that’s part of the process. That’s the journey that you need to take the viewer on, and then they can take and do what they want with it.”

I honestly don’t know what to think about Dorinda considering not returning. I have always loved watching her pal around with all the other New York ladies. She’s a mess but usua,lly it’s pretty fun to watch. If you’re like me, you may be encouraged to hear that Dorinda also joked, “My tagline should have been, ‘I’m not only reconstructing my house, I’m reconstructing myself.’”


RELATED: Leah McSweeney Says Dorinda Medley Hated On Her Tattoo Because She Wasn’t Completely Fulfilled In Her Relationship With John Mahdessian


Let’s cross our fingers that it’s a rebuilding year for our dear friend Dooooooooooooooooorinda!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

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