Below Deck Mediterranean Kiko Lorran

Kiko Lorran Felt Like Captain Sandy Yawn Didn’t Trust Him And It Crushed Him While He Filmed Below Deck Mediterranean

Below Deck Mediterranean Kiko Lorran-2

This season of Below Deck Mediterranean has had some really rough seas. And obviously, I’m not just talking about their charters.

First, we had to deal with Hannah Ferrier’s conflict with second stew, Lara Flumiani. Whether you love or hate Hannah, you have to admit that Laura had a crap attitude. So it’s no surprise Laura quickly gave up and left the boat, opening the way for Bugsy Drake to rejoin the crew. Despite Hannah and Bugsy’s past beef, both have seemed to work well together (so far). Next, we had the firing of Pete Hunziker for racist behavior. So good riddance! As if that wasn’t enough for you, now we have Bosun Malia White telling on Hannah for having valium on board. This season is a mess.

I can accept drama. But one thing I couldn’t sit back and watch was the untimely firing of Chef Kiko Lorran. If you ask me, Captain Sandy Yawn jumped the gun after he messed up the Vegas-themed dinner. Sure, it bombed but one bomb does not a chef make. While Sandy is maintaining that Kiko “did his best”, it sounds like she is throwing angry viewers a bone for her folly. Like we’ve said, justice for Kiko!

Now, Kiko is ready to talk about his feelings on the matter. He recently spoke with Decider about his firing and his thoughts on Captain Sandy.


RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Jessica More Opens Up About Her Struggles With Anxiety In Relation To Hannah Ferrier & Kiko Lorran’s Troubles On The Show


When asked if Kiko thinks Sandy gave him a fair shot, he said, “I completely understand, during the first charter or the second one, she was looking and everything. Because it’s a responsibility for a captain, to let everything organize and [make sure] the crew is working well. But after a while, I felt like she really didn’t trust me that much. I didn’t have that with other captains.” I’ve always thought Sandy was a micromanager and Kiko obviously confirms that, in the most diplomatic of ways, of course

He continues, “Usually, with other captains, they just let me cook. If the guests complain, after the charter they come and say, ‘Hey, Kiko. This is not good. You need to improve on that and do this.’ But not be in the moment saying stuff, like, ‘Ah, are you going to do this again? Are you sure about it?’ Because that made me confused.” 


RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Kiko Lorran Thanks Fans For Support And Asks Them “Not To Blame Other Cast Members” For Him Getting Fired


Kiko continues to be gracious about the matter. In regard to Sandy, he said, “I really really like her, because she was awesome with me. Of course, I’m not perfect. And I’m never going to be perfect. So after I did a couple mistakes, then she changed completely.”

But Kiko tells us that Sandy got in his head, explaining, “Then I started to question myself: am I good enough? That’s the thing that crushed me, totally crushed me in the end. Because I started to question myself. I didn’t have any ideas for what to make anymore.”


RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Captain Sandy Yawn Says Kiko Lorran “Did His Best” & “Did Not Fail”


This makes me so sad. Kiko is such a sweet soul and as a fan, let’s just say seeing him cry crushed me too. 

Clearly, Captain Sandy’s methods didn’t work on the ever-positive Chef. Kiko tells us about his methods, “My food is all about expression. If I’m happy and I’m feeling loved, you’re going to feel that in the food. But if you put me down, I’m going to do shit. I’m not a robot. I’m not a machine. I have feelings. So if I feel bad, you’re going to feel it in the food, unfortunately.”


RELATED: Malia White Defends Telling Captain Sandy Yawn About Hannah Ferrier Taking Valium On Below Deck Mediterranean


Ugh, this is such a bummer. I think that with some positive encouragement, Kiko could have been great this season. May this be a lesson to Sandy that maybe she needs to rethink her ways with the crew before we lose another good yachtie.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]