RHONY Season 9 Reunion Seating Chart

Photos: Real Housewives Of New York Film Season 9 Reunion! Ramona Singer Finds Herself In The Hottest Seat Of All

Well it’s been a roller coaster season of Real Housewives Of New York – a Ramonacoaster season to be exact! Last week the ladies filmed the season 9 reunion which was sure to be as insane as it was vitriolic because in the Big Apple they do everything bigger and um, well, bigger! 

Sonja Morgan dished that after a season of emotional outbursts and shifting loyalties (aka no loyalties) Ramona Singer is in the hottest seat of all. We all know how Ramona likes to keep things hot flashed!

The seating chart reveals that, predictably, Ramona and Bethenny Frankel are on either side of Andy Cohen which means their drama is sure to take center stage – as it has all season.

Shockingly Luann D’Agostino, who has been another constant center of drama over wedding and Tom nonsense, finds herself on the end, with even Carole “Watching Paint Dry Is More Exciting” Radziwill outranking her on the couches. Hmmm… does this mean Luann’s time with the show could be coming to an end as well? Is this revenge for her icing Bravo out of a wedding special?!

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Tinsley Mortimer is also relegated to the end zone, but that’s to be expected. As for Ramona and Bethenny, “They went at it the hardest.”

Ramona was very worked up but strong in her convictions,” revealed a source. “Bethenny was more dismissive of her, which set Ramona off even more. She exploded at a few points.”

In a surprising twist of events Luann threw her lot in behind Ramona. Apparently, despite promises of neutrality, Luann isn’t ready to bury the hatchet with ol’ Beth. Nor should she! “Luann piped in at one point and Bethenny called her a turncoat, referring to the way she plays both sides with Ramona,” an insider shared with E! News. Is Lu a ‘turncoat’ or simply a contemporary narrator of reality?

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Not everyone fought till the friendship death, though – Sonja and Tinsley argued, but “resolved their issues” in the end. Well, that’s nice to hear!

Sonja also shared this video of her and Ramona during a break in filming.

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You can see reunion photos and more below. What I really want to know is if we can expect a surprise appearance from Jill ZAAAAAAARIN?! (My Magic Hate Ball says, “All signs point to yes! Even if she’s uninvited!”)

Tonight is an all new episode of The Real Housewives of New York. The ladies arrive in Mexico and the drama follows. Meet us here at 9 p.m. EST to snark through the disaster!


[Main Photo Credit: Bravo]