Below Deck Mediterranean Recap - Bugsy Drake

Bugsy Drake Claims She’s A “Massive Advocate For Mental Health”; Asks Below Deck Mediterranean Fans To Be Kind

I am still trying to swallow last night’s episode of Below Deck Mediterranean. First, Captain Sandy Yawn gets rid of my precious Kiko Lorran. Now, she’s coming after my Hannah Ferrier. Yes, I know what you’re going to say, trust me. Hannah is not your favorite. I know that she is polarizing. But can we cut the woman some slack for needing some (prescribed, mind you) to make it on that boat full of snakes?

While we didn’t see Hannah get fired on last night’s episode, we know it’s coming. We can thank Bosun Malia White and her tantrum for that one. After Malia threw a fit about not being able to room with her chef boyfriend, Tom Checketts, she marched right to Captain Sandy and tattled on everyone. Hannah specifically. Sandy played favorites as usual and Malia got her way, meaning Hannah and her nemesis, Bugsy Drake became instant roommates. Cut to Malia texting Sandy a picture of Hannah’s things, that she took out of her purse! And arranged for a photo! The audacity. Said photo included a CBD pen and some prescription valium, which Hannah takes for her anxiety disorder. Repeat after me: Malia. Is. A. Snake. How timely that she just so happened to stumble across Hannah’s things and report her to Captain Sandy after they fight.

But I think what got lost in the shuffle is that Bugsy is at the root of all this. She was the one who didn’t want to room with Hannah to begin with. That wasn’t Hannah’s fault. And in the midst of this, Malia weaponized Hannah’s mental health for her own purposes. But Bugsy is getting off scott-free. She didn’t even stand up and say that she is the one who didn’t want to bunk with Hannah. While Bugsy stayed out of it, she suddenly feels the need to take up for mental health issues. Is she defending Hannah? Or is she saving face?

Bugsy made a post to her Instagram and while she didn’t outright address what took place on the show, it’s pretty obvious what she’s referring to. In the post, Bugsy starts by saying, “#mentalhealth is alive and real. I took my previous post down regarding MY actual story.” For context, Bugsy posted and deleted a picture of herself and explained her own experience with mental health.


RELATED: Bugsy Drake Denies Plot To Get Rid Of Hannah Ferrier And Replace Kiko Lorran With Malia White’s Boyfriend On Below Deck Mediterranean


She continued, “I GOT SUPER BRAVE for a minute sharing my personal experience… and then the criticism came flying in regarding what was seen of me on a TV show. So here it is plain and simple I’m a massive advocate for mental health, no matter what you see or don’t see on a 45min tv show I have personal experience.”

Bugsy finished by saying, “So try your best to be kind (heart emoji) peace and love to all and stay safe in these uncertain times!”


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Bugsy had more to say, taking it to Twitter. Fans were understandably angry and in response, one of her tweets read, “Okay so I join the boat to fill in the 2nd stew position and I’m attacked for doing my job?!”

Another watcher tweeted, “Bugsy I have always been a fan. But you need to understand you are being attacked for your behavior not your work ethic. Two very different things. Even tonight you and Malia took any chance you had to take shots at Hannah. Tonight both of you looked like a pair of mean girls.” Bugsy responded by saying, “Wasn’t my intention I promise you! I’m really sad and sorry people are seeing it this way!” We are seeing it that way because that’s how it was. No amount of editing can dig Bugsy out of this hole.


RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Jessica More Opens Up About Her Struggles With Anxiety In Relation To Hannah Ferrier & Kiko Lorran’s Troubles On The Show


When a fan asked her if it was her job to support the Chief, Bugsy shot back, “Yes it is, how did I not support her?” Well, for starters, you let her get rolled under the bus all because you didn’t want to change rooms. So, there’s that.

Clearly, viewers are not happy with how everything is going down this season. And maybe that has a lot to do with the players. Captain Sandy is firing good people. Malia and Bugsy are ganging up and seemingly plotting against people. We have had a misogynistic deckhand who was completely out of control. At least that was a valid firing.


RELATED: Below Deck Mediterranean Star Hannah Ferrier Asks For Donations To Organization That Supports Those Suffering From Suicidal Thoughts And Depression Instead Of Having A Baby Registry


I have been with Below Deck Med from the start and will always finish out a season. But unless they get a handle on this crew, next season might just be a wash.


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[Photo Credit: Bravo]


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