Kyle Richards Clears Up The Kingsley Story; Describes Her “Hurt And Anger” Over Kim Richards’ Comments About Her Daughter!

Bravo TV's talk show 'Watch What Happens: Live'

Kyle Richards has had a traumatic season of Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills. From physical altercations, to major family dramas, to losing and gaining friendships. But hey, at least she finally got back into the good graces of viewers! KaChanelChing for popularity! 

With part 3 of the reunion featuring a dramatic showdown between Kyle and Kim Richards over Kingsley biting Kyle’s daughter Alexia, Kyle has some information to clear-up. She also comments on Brandi Glanville‘s ridiculous accusations and Lisa Rinna‘s text message drama. 

In her final blog, which Kyle admits she didn’t “want to write” (but she is contractually obligated to (and isn’t going to run-out and get smashed at a posh hotel then assault police officers instead of doing her job), she says things between herself and KimKillah have a long, long, LONG way to go before they’re resolved. If ever… but she is done taking the blame and keeping quiet! 


“I don’t even know what to say or do anymore. Clearly, we will never agree on this matter,” Kyle admits. “Kim and I had not spoken since Nov 1st. We both knew the situation with my daughter, Alexia, and Kim’s dog, Kingsley, was bound to come up at the reunion. We don’t get to pick and choose what we want to talk about.” 

The backstory: “Alexia had spent the night at Kim’s house on Halloween.” Kyle let her daughter go to crazy-chicken-salad-manor alone?! Ky-le… I am concerned. Anyway, “The next morning, Kingsley bit her. While scary, at first it didn’t seem that serious.”

Kyle continues, “However, what the first doctor failed to notice was that the tooth had pierced the bone and also broken it. Five days later, we found out that her bone was infected and she needed surgery to clean out the bone.”

Kim was upset, because I had posted pictures from the hospital. Like I said at the reunion, I NEVER said her dog bit Alexia. Never mentioned her OR her dog,” Kyle insists. “TMZ ended up finding out that it was Kim’s dog, and she blamed me, because I posted the pictures from the hospital. I did not do that to hurt my sister in any way or to ‘get Instagram followers,’ like she suggested. With all of my family coming and going at the hospital, people were bound to find out and talk.”

It was weird that she posted hospital pics, but I think it’s weird when any reality star does that. Why?! However, according to Kyle the constant comings and goings at the hospital which Kim derided, plus the photos, were merely everyone “trying to distract her [Alexia] and have fun.”

“We invited family and friends to visit and tried to keep her spirits up. We were all trying to make the best out of a bad situation,” Kyle insists. “In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t posted that picture, but I certainly didn’t mean to hurt Kim.” Kyle reminds us that she is not alone in hospital-twitpicing (Why is this a thing?! The opposite of healthies – “sickies”)! Kim “posted a picture when she was in the hospital this year.” as have Yolanda Foster (queen of the sickies) and Camille Grammer.  

However sickies, selfies, hospital bed tweeting – all of that is beside the point. The true point is why is Kim blaming Kyle for something her dog did?! Deflection By Bravo. So Kyle asks: “And where is her [Kim’s] responsibility in all of this?”

“It was a difficult time for all involved. I didn’t blame Kim personally regarding the dog and was willing to drop it and move forward, yet she was too angry with me regarding the Instagram post to be able to do that,” Kyle writes. “I do feel bad about what it has led to. And I’ve told her that. I also felt terrible because I know she loves Kingsley, but I also love my child.” 

“I wish that since I was willing to let go of my anger regarding my daughter being bit and what she had to go through that she could have let go of being upset about the Instagram post. I HAVE to believe she knows I did NOT do that to hurt her,” Kyle continues.

And instead of Kim taking responsibility – or even apologizing – she instead retaliated by making threats against Kyle’s daughter! “For Kim to throw out that she would say something about Alexia (like she did to Lisa R. regarding Harry ) nearly took my breath away. But her dog is off limits?” SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, HONESTLY! Kim is insane! 

“I NEVER asked for Kingsley to be put down,” Kyle clarifies. “I love all animals and know how much Kim loves Kingsley. That was never part of our argument.” 

However, for Kyle dealing with the aftermath of Kim’s accusations towards Alexia have given the sisters even “more issues to work through.” Describing her “hurt and anger,” Kyle cannot get over what Kim said. “I know she loves Alexia, and it was just her being angry and ‘in the moment,’ but it’s going to take me some time to get past that. Hopefully, time will heal my relationship with Kim. Time, and having an open and honest relationship.” I would never forgive that – sorry. I don’t care. I would be cordial to Kim, I would keep the peace, but in the back of my mind I would NEVER forgive that. I’m not a bigger person where my children are concerned. 

Moving on to other reunion messes, Kyle acknowledges she was “very shocked” by Lisa Rinna‘s text messages, but hey – the things Kim says and done can drive anyone to the brink! “There is no excuse for that. I believe Lisa R. knows that. I can understand Kim being upset about that,” Kyle acknowledges. “I am sure she was taken aback, as we all were when we heard it. However, I don’t think Lisa Rinna is a dangerous person. She just made a really bad choice.” 

And finally onto Brandi, Kyle, and the little space cake that could not orbit out of Beverly Hills. “Brandi went after me in Amsterdam regarding the space cake, because she doesn’t like me and wanted to deflect from her own behavior once again. This was her big chance to say something about me, calling me a hypocrite for not partaking in the space cake.”

“WHY did she [Brandi] care if I did or did not choose to? Because she wanted to jump at the chance to make me look bad, since her behavior and her drinking had been front and center,” Kyle believes. “Her drinking was out there, because she puts it out there, and she has nobody to blame but herself.”

Kyle reiterates she has no issue with pot and has always admitted that she’s done it before (although she’s never eaten it) but she prefers her booze. “I have a lot more fun having a few margaritas. Kim knows that. I would have appreciated her chiming in there.”

“If I HAD chosen to eat a space cake, she would have jumped on that, too,” Kyle explains. “Anything to divert from her own actions which she was comparing to ours. All of us may have a few drinks, but NONE of us behave like her when we drink.” 

The only reason Kyle refrained from space caking in Amsterdam was fear of the unknown or how she would react to it. “My husband had warned me that it would not suit me well, knowing my personality. I didn’t want to have a bad experience and ‘freak out,’ so to speak.”

Also Kyle wants it known that she’s not defending herself, she’s simply commenting on what happened during the reunion. Brandi’s “opinion of me is completely irrelevant to me. I only cared, because I am a mother, and her trying to make me out to be something I am not is reckless, as is everything else she does. ” 

Kyle also clears up Brandi’s accusations that she did something “unforgivable” at her niece Brooke’s wedding.” Brooke did a small ceremony at my sister Kathy’s house (part of it aired this season), so that Monty would be well enough to walk her down the aisle,” Kyle reminds. “The wedding we were referring to at the reunion is her actual ‘big wedding ‘ coming up.”

“And NO, I did not do anything ‘unspeakable’ or ‘unforgivable’ at the wedding at Kathy’s house like Brandi has (once again) put out there,” Kyle announces. “It was a beautiful, perfect day that Brandi Glanville is now trying to throw negativity on. She was NOT EVEN THERE. On top of everything else Brandi has done, she now wants to turn that beautiful day that my family celebrated into something to lie and gossip about. Shame on her.” Agreed!!! 

In the end Kyle sums it all up as a “very difficult season” – and one she’s glad she never has to relive again. “Now I need to take a step back.” 


[Photo Credit: TNYF/WENN]