Was there ever a boat-mance with a happy ending on any of the Below Deck shows? Below Deck Sailing Yacht’s Paget Berry and Ciara Duggan don’t really count because they’ve just been living in some kind of time warp, stuck on Parsifal with no other options. They bicker like a married couple and flirt like adolescents. But they are the best we’ve got.
No other couple has worked out once the boat docked and they had to face the real world together. Aesha Scott and Jack Stirrup had promise on Below Deck Mediterranean last season. Until he returned to his ex-girlfriend and they had a child together. Hannah Ferrier gave it a go with Conrad Empson. They didn’t even make it to the end of the season as a result of her emasculating and belittling comments towards him about money. Malia White played two guys at once, one of them being our very own, Chef Adam Glick. Now Adam is in the middle of another turbulent relationship that isn’t looking it’s going to end happily.
The experience with Malia seemed to sour Adam’s feelings towards yachting and relationships as he disappeared from the series for a while and traveled across America in his van. This is the infamous “van” that Jenna MacGillivray keeps referencing when having a lovers quarrel with Adam.
Jenna thinks Adam is holding back emotionally while Adam feels himself attacked. They weren’t even on speaking terms this past episode. So when Adam appeared on Watch What Happens Live , the state of their relationship was a hot topic.
RELATED: Below Deck Sailing Yacht Star Jenna MacGillivray Says Romance With Adam Glick Didn’t Interfere With Work; Addresses Backlash From Fans
Andy Cohen first asked about Adam and Jenna’s hands-on approach to yacht dating. He asked, “do you regret your constant galley PDA during charters. It seemed to bug the crew and was possibly unprofessional.”
Adam replied, “no, we were pretty good about not doing anything in front of the crew.” How about the sexual innuendo when Madison was standing in the galley? Madison found it distasteful and that led to tension between her and Jenna as well as Adam.
RELATED: Below Deck Sailing Yacht Star Jenna MacGillivray Says Madison Stalker “Cried Almost Everyday About Various Things”; Claims Crew Was Bothered By Madison’s Negativity
Andy asked about the argument Adam had with Madison over the use of the master bedroom. He said, “Adam, do you regret yelling at Madison for her comment about you and Jenna sleeping in the master? She does clean them after all.”
Adam replied that Jenna always cleaned the bedroom after they had slept in it. He does not regret fighting with Madison.
RELATED: Below Deck Sailing Yacht Star Madison Stalker Claps Back After Jenna MacGillivray Calls Her “Unprofessional”; Thinks It’s Hypocritical When Jenna Makes Out With Adam Glick During Work
While Adam does not regret that fight, he does regret getting angry with Jenna “post copulation” last episode.
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, Jenna and Adam are not together anymore. But they do stay in touch. Adam revealed to Andy that he and Jenna, “were just speaking earlier today.”
It looks like Adam is enjoying the great outdoors Face-timing from a deck chair in his van.
[Photo Credit: Bravo]