Brandi Redmond Real Housewives Of Dallas

Real Housewives Of Dallas Season 5 Reunion Recap Part 2: Honey, Ignorance Is Not Your Color

Tiffany Moon did NOT come to play at the Real Housewives of Dallas reunion. She read the women up and down throughout the entire episode. Kameron Westcott was especially hit by the truth bombs coming from the Dallas newbie. Tiffany scored the coveted seat next to Andy Cohen, and she proved why she deserved that accolade. It’s a shame that nobody in her life wants her on the show because she EXCELS in this role.

The most puzzling part of last week’s episode was Brand Redmond’s silence. Why was she even there? Did she even speak once? She has the most to answer for (besides Kary Brittingham), so let’s here what she has to say! We need to hear her speak out about the video of herself mocking Asians. Someone make a dramatic scene and place a chair in the center for her. We need to hear her thoughts on the wild rumors about her husband Bryan Redmond! Let’s hear it!

We’re Not Finished

Kameron Westcott Real Housewives Of Dallas

Tiffany telling Andy she’s not finished with Kameron left me SCREAMING. Tiffany’s not going to lie down and let these women say whatever they want to her. Comparing dog treats to Asian cuisine is problematic at best.

Tiffany says it’s not even about chicken feet at this point. She thinks Kameron’s too privileged and ignorant to make the comparison. She thinks all she was trying to do was promote SparkleDog.

Kameron’s insistence on trying to explain Tiffany’s own culture to her is puzzling. I don’t think even understands how awful she’s coming off by doing this. Her weird attempt to come at Tiffany over this is making me raise an eyebrow at this pink princess.

It bothers Kameron that her comments are causing so much uproar when Stephanie Hollman made negative comments as well. Saying she’d rather lick Travis Hollman’s a**hole than eat a chicken feet is just as bad according to Kameron. For me, it’s the way Kameron went on and on about it. Making one comment like Stephanie is slightly different than what Kameron chose to do.

Stephanie never told Tiffany she was offending her own culture. That’s precisely where they two situations differ. Tiffany was hurt that Kameron was more upset with the image of possibly being racist than hurting her feelings. That’s why this friendship has crumbled into this faint blip.

The one thing where Tiffany truly lost me was that pizza party. Between the rules and the surprise crickets, it was a whole ass mess. Brandi finally speaks and says she was in her first trimester at the time and did not know. She thinks that contributed to her quick reaction to throw up.

WAIT WHAT? She was pregnant THAT LONG DURING FILMING. She basically filmed the entire season pregnant and was partying it up the entire time. It just feels weird that she NEVER had an idea?? Something feels off with all of this.

Kameron tells the group that Tiffany broke the law by sneaking the crickets into everyone’s food. She is out for blood at this reunion when it comes to Tiffany. They barely interacted the second half of the season, so this feels so random. However, Kameron should learn how to say the world penal if she’s going to pretend to act intelligent.

Stephanie feels like Tiffany spent the early part of the season trying to elicit a reaction from everyone. When she got those reactions, she completely freaked out. I could see the cast becoming annoyed at that sort of pattern. I absolutely can.

Kameron claims she was thrilled when Tiffany joined but felt cyber bullied by the end. I would take this a lot more seriously if Kameron wasn’t constantly pulling out pieces of paper. Nobody wants to watch someone sift through piles of paper to locate weak receipts. It’s irritating.

Shockingly they agree to a reset and agree to move forward. This is so unexpected because of the level of animosity between them. Hopefully they both return next season and forge a genuine friendship.

D’Andra’s Spiritual Journey

D'Andra Simmons

D’Andra Simmons has known her shaman for decades, but it’s bizarre he also does hair. That’s not the pair you tend to think go together. All the power to the man, but I like to keep my head and soul separate.

Brandi says being at the shaman’s was uncomfortable for her and it felt like witchcraft. Nobody forced her to attend. If it made her feel THAT weird, she could’ve sat that event out. There was no need to shame D’Andra after the fact.

The drama with D’Andra’s family was one of the darker story line’s this season. Her father’s suicide caused such a negative ripple effect throughout her life. No matter what she did following that was never good enough.

D’Andra maintains she was doing the right thing by changing her name and that it wasn’t opportunistic. The story Momma Dee was telling everyone isn’t how D’Andra recalls it whatsoever. Regardless of the rumors the people closest to D’Andra know it’s not true.

Despite their differences at times, Kameron sticks up for D’Andra and assures that her love for her stepfather was genuine. First of all, D’Andra’s biological father was worth more money than her stepfather. If she just wanted an empire for herself, she could’ve stuck that out.

Things with D’Andra and Momma Dee are great after the fight at Tiffany’s. She regrets how she spoke to her at that party, but they’re doing better. That’s good to hear because that got nasty rather quickly for the world to see. Her mother’s forgiven her for her actions which is all she can care for. Screw what ANYONE else thinks.

Brandi, Brandi, Brandi

Brandi Redmond Real Housewives Of Dallas

I don’t want to doubt anyone ever, but I find it difficult to believe Brandi had no inkling that she was pregnant. However, if that’s the story she wants to feed to us, I’ll accept it. Do you girl.

After filming she peed in a cup for her annual appointment and discovered she was pregnant. Despite the wild amount of partying, the baby came out healthy. Thank goodness for that!

It’s horrific hearing the details of the passing of her mother-in-law. An 18-Wheeler FELL ON TOP OF THEIR CAR. HOLY S**T. That’s one of the scariest things to ever imagine going through. My heart truly goes out to Brandi, Bryan, and the rest of their family. Nobody should ever have to go through this.

Andy asks Brandi how she’s doing following the leaked video of her husband with another woman. She’s hurt about this because she knows exactly when it took place. It’s from 2018, and she’s disappointed in his actions. Hopefully this isn’t the end of their marriage because it was quite the damning video.

Brandi breaks down while discussing it, and she tells Andy she’s staying with him because he was there for her during her low year. 2020 went awry for Brandi, so she would feel like s**t if she left him after that. She hates that a fan sent the video to her child. WHO WOULD DO THAT? UGH.

Stephanie was concerned Brandi might hurt herself after the leaking of the video. She sent someone to Brandi’s home to check on her, and they found her balling in the dark. Brandi should maybe step out of the public eye after this season. It’s getting to be too much. Things are way too dark and depressing, and a step back might do her and her family some good.

Brandi thinks someone purposely sent the video to her daughter to hurt her. Andy wants to know who did it, and everyone but Tiffany seems to know as well. Everyone says they believe it was LeeAnne Locken, but that sort of counteracts what Brandi recently said to LeeAnne herself. I have MANY questions.

The Video That Changed Everything

Tiffany Moon Real Housewives Of Dallas

Brandi says she was going to pull out her own chair in the same fashion she did to LeeAnne. However, we never got to see that moment because she wasn’t allowed to film in person. We really lost out not having Kary & Brandi there with the other women. It might’ve been more explosive with everyone in the same room.

Tiffany still doesn’t think Brandi put out the racist video to hurt anyone. She doesn’t find Brandi to be racist and still doesn’t to this day. She STILL doesn’t know what to say to her though because it’s obviously bothering Brandi to this day.

Tiffany doesn’t believe Brandi deserved everything that came her way, but she doesn’t think she was welcoming either. She wasn’t at all. She was concocting weird paranoia in her heard that lead the tense moments we see all season.

How was Brandi not being herself this season? She brought a naked blow up doll, destroyed a classic TV bedroom, and so much more. Why is she insistent on playing the victim throughout all of this.

D’Andra regrets not sticking up for Tiffany at the dinner where she was blindsided by Brandi. Everyone was gunning for Tiffany that night, and it sucked her closest ally wouldn’t have her back. Even Kary regrets not defending Tiffany more because the burden should’ve been all on Brandi.

Brandi says the moment was teachable and feels like they all need more grace and empathy. Okay Brandi. It’s such a f**king joke because it doesn’t feel like she learned ANYTHING. There’s no genuine authentic accountability here. It’s all imaged based.

D’Andra regrets not instigating important conversations for the group to have with Tiffany. They lost out on the chance to spark important thought provoking moments. What a lost opportunity.

Stephanie apologizes to Tiffany for not helping her feel less alone throughout the season. She can tell how isolated she feels, and she regrets it. Tiffany gets emotional because of all of this and even starts having a nosebleed. So many firsts at this reunion!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]