Drew Sidora Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Detective Kenya Moore cracked the case! Well, sort of. Tanya Sam kind of gave herself up. However, the StripperGate mystery on The Real Housewives Of Atlanta has been solved! Hallelujah! The season was incredibly dry up until this point, so thank the scandal gods for giving this to us. Porsha Williams might not be happy about Kenya’s investigation, but it’s making the show more interesting. Why is she shocked at a villain doing villain things?

Now that the Charleston trip is over, it’s time for reality to sink back in. Cynthia Bailey is getting married! After so much hype over #Chill, we’re finally approaching this wedding. While that couple comes together, another couple has seemed doomed from the start. Drew Sidora & Ralph Pittman seemingly have one of the worst marriages ever. What’s next for them? How much longer can they allow secrets and lies to run the relationship?

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Cynthia wants to meet with her mother to look at some dresses. How has this wedding not happened yet this season? It feels like it’s taking an eternity to get to that point. It chilled off for a little while, but now the wedding preparations are back in full effect.

Drew and her ragamuffin wig calls Cynthia who’s a little upset. Her mother’s dress isn’t going to be arriving until well after the wedding. We have only four days until the wedding. It’s getting real. The super spreader event of the decade is upon us!

Apparently Drew’s going to be singing at the wedding which is a weird choice. I’d much rather have Kandi Burruss performing at my wedding if I had to choose. Hell, I’d even choose Porsha over Drew. Also, Drew doesn’t have the best marriage, so I’d feel cursed if she sang at my wedding.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Atlanta Cast Member LaToya Ali Says Drew Sidora Didn’t Care About Her Husband During Her Interactions With Bolo; Insists She’s Not “Targeting” Drew


Mike Hill keeps throwing shade in Drew’s direction about singing, and I feel him. He’s likely just joking around, but there HAS to be some truth to the shade.

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Kenya calls her father to talk about her daughter’s upcoming birthday. He’s not too thrilled about being around a bunch of people he isn’t familiar with. SAME THOUGH. It’s also a whole ass pandemic, so let’s limit the amount of strangers interacting.


RELATED: Drew Sidora Thinks That Kenya Moore “Put On For The Camera” While Filming Real Housewives Of Atlanta


Kenya’s father has been a rock for her since her split from Marc Daly. She’s at a time in her life where she needs that fatherly guidance. It’s been a rough road for Kenya lately, so all the help she can get is welcomed.

Marc asking for alimony is the most laughable thing ever. Marc felt embarrassed when he was being served, and he eventually withdrew the petition. STILL. You went on national television and said you don’t want a damn dime from Kenya. All you have done now is look like an entire fool to everyone.

Kenya’s family hasn’t really been around her and Marc as a couple. Has anyone? The only time we’ve ever seen them as a couple, he was treating her like total s**t. He’s NOT a good guy.

Since the downfall of her marriage, Kenya’s in therapy. She has a lot to process about why she chose to marry Marc. She has so many opportunities to marry other men in her life, but ultimately she chose Marc. Her father is speaking facts about the importance of communication in a marriage. Having open and honest dialogue is KEY to success.


RELATED: Kenya Moore’s Estranged Husband Marc Daly Starts Production On His Own Reality Show Even Though He Didn’t Want To Film Real Housewives Of Atlanta

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Drew & Kenya are meeting up, and this is the most bizarre one on one ever. Drew doing vocal exercises as Kenya’s walking up to her basically sets the tone for how this will probably go. Just weird as hell.

Drew expresses to Kenya her confusion about the dynamics of the group. She has to put it out on the table before building a friendship with Kenya. She doesn’t get how everyone goes from fighting to loving at the drop of the hat.

It pissed Kenya off that Drew asked who was the realest or the fakest and then went straight for Kenya. Rightfully so! That entire game was a concocted cop out because Drew was too cowardly to just openly come for Kenya. We see through you.

Drew refers to the private jet situation as to where she stopped trusting her. Telling her about the jet and then telling her not to tell the other women was a little shady. She could’ve given Kenya a minute to tell the other women, but it felt shady. Kenya basically set her up as a test, and Drew failed miserably.


RELATED: Drew Sidora Claims Some Real Housewives Of Atlanta Co-Stars “Cross The Line” With Her Husband Ralph Pittman; Says “I Find That Very Disrespectful”


In the middle of the argument, Drew breaks out into song. This woman went a whole ass Sound Of Music on us. I’m waiting for the birds and little rodents to pop out and start singing back up. Kenya doesn’t know how to even react to her because it’s that off the wall. This is real life honey. People don’t just randomly start singing like their life is a musical.

Drew wants clarity from Kenya about her life, and she tells her it was hard to leave her daughter. Why are we back to this? Kenya clarified this, so why keep bringing it up? Drew’s beating a dead horse with this. Kenya doesn’t want to understand where Drew’s coming from, and Kenya’s not about it. THE CONVERSATION GOES ON AND ON AND ON AD NAUSEUM.

Kenya asks for the check because she’s finished with the nonsense. Kenya is thrown off when Drew asks to split the check. Is it really that weird to split the check? If you’re not close friends with someone or dating them, why would you pay for them? Drew isn’t trying to waste her coin on Kenya after having a knock down drag out fight with her. Get out the calculators and split this s**t.

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

We’re only three days until Cynthia’s wedding, and everything’s going wrong. Whatever could malfunction during this build up has. First, their mother’s dress isn’t coming on time. Then, two bridesmaids and a groomsman can’t come. Now, Mike’s ring arrived, but it’s too small. She can’t catch a break. Maybe she should have picked another date for the wedding after all.


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It’s great seeing Cynthia finding love and happiness again though. She’s a fabulous woman with so much to offer, so seeing her connect with Mike has been beautiful to watch. However, just as I’m basking in her glow, a storm hits. SOMEONE LEAKED TO THE PRESS THAT TWO OF THE WOMEN SLEPT WITH A STRIPPER.

Cynthia won’t openly say who she thinks leaked the story, but she does reference knowing who the most pressed was. It has to be Kenya right? She was the most in an uproar about these women sleeping with Bolo. Who else would want to drop that kind of bomb?

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Marlo Hampton invites all of the ladies to a pumpkin patch for a harvest party. That’s not even remotely the type of aesthetic that I associate with her, but I’m living for her extraness. She’s not super surprised to her that someone leaked the story to the press about the stripper. If you’re in the public eye, that’s the risk you’re taking when you do stuff like that. There’s nothing wrong with what they did, but they shouldn’t be besides themselves when it comes out.

Kandi isn’t happy about the article because everyone assumed she was involved. Kandi feels like the type to own it right away if it was about her. We know she didn’t have anything to do with it, so it sucks she’s put in this spotlight. However, LaToya Ali definitely thinks it was Kenya. There’s so much trust in this new friendship! Gotta love it!


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Tanya took off to Canada, and the women think she’s avoiding it all. I cannot believe she outed herself like that at the table. It was obviously from the beginning that Porsha was one of the women involved with Bolo. To then tell EVERYONE that you spent the night in her room was the most foolish thing ever.

The women call Porsha because she’s taking forever to show up to the pumpkin patch. She evidently drove an hour the wrong way, and she didn’t notice until she passed outlet malls and other magical lands. SHE SAYS SHE PASSED NARNIA AND OZ. Both sound marvelous plans for the Princess of Thotlandia to plant some roots.

I do have to say that nobody makes me laugh more than the Atlanta women. They’re consistently funny no matter what else is happening. I know New York gets a lot of credit for their hilarity, but Atlanta eclipses them in my view.

Porsha isn’t even there yet, but almost everyone has left. It’s getting so dark out, but at least they’re waiting for her. Once she finally shows up, we dive right into the article that was leaked to the press. We think Kenya did it. Right? Porsha certainly does. It’s hard to argue with that because she’s the only one who would benefit from it.


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Porsha thinks Marlo needs to recognize why Kenya suddenly made up with her. The timing is off. She was losing all allies within the group. She needed to have someone extra on her side, or she didn’t make sense in the group. Simple as that.

There won’t ever be a friendship between Porsha & Kenya. No matter how hard they try, something always comes between them. Some people just don’t gel with each other. They are the antithesis to the other person. It won’t change.

Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Loose Lips Sink Ships

Kenya meets with her therapist to discuss her issues with people in her life. She was transparent about who she was with Marc, but he wouldn’t do the same. She really thought she could make it work with that man, but it was a hopeless cause.

All she truly wants at her core is love and acceptance and recognition. Her negative relationship with her family led to most of her issues in her adult life. Her mother’s unwillingness to be there for her and treating her as an afterthought really messed her up.


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There was nobody in Kenya’s life to be there to protect her. It’s horrible to hear the dark path Kenya’s childhood took because of her family’s chaos. Why do people create children if they have no desire to ever take care of them?

Kenya still wants a relationship with her, but it’s difficult to talk about. It’s easy to sweep the issue under the rug, but at the same time, that’s doing a disservice to yourself. Addressing the issues head on and working through them is the only way to make genuine progress.

Marc and her mother both sought out to make her feel like the bad guy. It’s not acceptable for either of them to treat her like that. I think so much of her villainous exterior comes from having to always act tough and deal with manipulative people.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]