Jennifer Aydin Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Real Housewives Of New Jersey Recap: Fall Of The Cocktail Queen

Thank you Real Housewives of New Jersey for always delivering a stellar season. This cast knows how to give fans the juicy drama that they crave. Teresa Giudice needs to sell her home, but why is she fooling around with Michelle Pais? This woman is actively spreading damaging gossip about her brother Joe Gorga. Why is she so content standing behind someone like that? Please don’t make me have to be Team Melissa Gorga here.

This issue between Teresa & Jackie Goldschneider has already dragged out far too long. There’s no reason they haven’t been filming together. That’s whack. Not only that, but why are Housewives being allowed to do this so much lately? That has to make creating the season hell for production. Grow a pair, and do your damn job. These rumors about Evan Goldschneider really aren’t that serious.

Teresa Giudice Real Housewives Of New Jersey

It’s Joe’s birthday! Their home on the shore is something I’d kill for. Breathtaking and gorgeous is an understatement. OBSESSED.

Melissa believes Teresa truly heard the rumor about Evan but thinks it was a best choice to say it. She wants Joe to be the one to get her to talk sense into her. Once she has her mind made up, that’s it. Joe has his work cut out for him.

Jennifer Aydin’s doing her best to keep her family together. Things still aren’t going well between her parents, but she’s making a hard effort to fix a lot of the issues.

Jennifer’s father is considering taking a trip to Turkey to visit his new grandson. The baby is his namesake, so it would be a special treat from him to visit. He has difficulty walking, so that’s a hurdle they need to overcome. Not only that, but their mother’s going to want to go as well.


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As much as Jennifer’s trying to keep the peace, her mom isn’t making it easy. Most of the hostility appears to be coming from her mom’s direction. If both of her parents want to go on the Turkey trip, that could quickly devolve into a volatile situation.

Dolores Catania is gearing up for a much needed relationship conversation with David Principe. I love how close her friendship is with Frank Catania, but it MUST be weird at times. It has to be a bit peculiar to always confide in her ex-husband regarding her current lover.

David had a house custom built for Dolores, but she’s still not moving in. He didn’t hold up his end of the bargain. David was supposed to put a ring on it and when he didn’t, some distance developed.

There’s an option always extended for Dolores to come over and spend time with David. She’s the one that chooses not to come over. However, she feels like when she’s there, he’s spending most of his time on his computer. He’s never felt truly invested in their relationship.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of New Jersey Star Dolores Catania Reveals That She “Got A New Vagina”

Teresa Giudice Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Joe’s celebrating his birthday with Melissa, Teresa, and Melissa’s sisters. This would be a great moment for the phantom long lost sister that never existed to pop in for a visit! I also appreciate Melissa taking time away from her selfies and self accolades to do something nice for her husband!

Teresa starts talking on the table about pineapples and peaches making her taste good. Why are we hearing so much about this? I don’t need to hear about Teresa’s deep desire to have her peach kissed. I just don’t. This divorce from Joe Giudice has left her in a pool of her own horniness.

Melissa talks about the need to have the sex talk with Antonia Gorga. Naturally, Joe doesn’t want to hear any of this. The last thing he’s trying to listen to at his birthday dinner is the idea of his teenage daughter having sex.

Teresa’s hosting a pool party and inviting all of the girls. Joe wants Jackie to be included on this list, but Teresa’s still pissed about the Gia Giudice cocaine analogy. Teresa’s willing to be the bigger person and invite Jackie to her party. If Jackie shows up to this event, someone is going to end up drowned at the bottom of the pool.


RELATED: Jackie Goldschneider Makes Fun Of Teresa Giudice For Using A Ghost Writer And Licensing Her Name To Sell Products From Real Housewives Of New Jersey Fame


Jackie isn’t the only surprising name on the invite list. Teresa’s inviting the messy realtor Michelle who has been actively spreading negative gossip about her brother Joe. For some reason, she’s always insistent on being in the middle of people trying to take down her family. You’d think she’d learn from the past. NOPE! NOT TERESA.

Margaret Josephs Real Housewives Of New Jersey

I’m so thrilled for Margaret Josephs about her book deal. I also appreciate the authenticity of Margaret and openly meeting with her ghostwriter. So many famous people pretend they’re the ones doing all the work themselves, but we all know it’s not true.

Margaret’s also being open about having sexual experiences with men in positions of power over her. This was before the era of the MeToo movement. This was a time where men in power weren’t being held accountable for their manipulative actions.

Margaret says Joe Benigno is the first nurturing adult relationship she’s ever had. That’s how it should be. Everyone should be able to find the person that they can be their authentic selves around. Everyone deserves to have a feeling of security.


RELATED: Margaret Josephs Says She Holds Husband Joe Benigno Accountable For Starting Drama On Real Housewives Of New Jersey This Season


Even though there’s a high level of excitement about Margaret’s book, Joe might not be on board. Her husband may not want the world knowing every nook and cranny of their intimate affairs. When you write a book like this, you’re putting EVERYONE’S business out there for the world. Not everyone takes kindly to the world being clued in on their dirty laundry.

Jon Steingraber Joe Gorga Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Teresa’s getting ready for her pool party, and she speaks to Joe about their divorce. Despite so many assuming Joe’d be coming after Teresa’s money, things are going smoothly. She said they have the easiest divorce in history.

Maybe all of that time in prison changed him for the better. I’d like to think he came out a better man than he was when he went in. The Joe in the earlier seasons was horrible to his wife.

Jennifer’s stressed out because of the chaos in her family, so she wants to let loose at the party. When does she not let loose at parties? We’ve seen her in the midst of more than one tequila induced frenzy. That stuff brings out a side of her with a razor sharp tongue with no care who she slices with it.

Melissa asks Joe not to cause any fights at the party with Michelle’s husband. It’s going to be hard to avoid that. Clearly, someone’s lying here. Not only that, but Joe’s notoriously a hothead. There’s a significant chance things are going to go south really fast at this party. Someone’s husband is going to end up in the pool.


RELATED: Margaret Josephs Slams Michelle Pais For Saying Joe Gorga Didn’t Pay Her Husband During Real Housewives Of New Jersey Cast Party


Jackie will NOT be attending the party. This is dragging out for far too long. I think if you’re going to be on a show like this, you shouldn’t be allowed to refuse to film with someone. You know what you’re getting into. They all do. Show up, and do your f**king job.

Jennifer’s getting drunk rather quickly at this party, and I’m expecting a meltdown soon enough. We’ll see how that plays out as the party goes on. Jackie’s absence is so noticeable because there are only six main cast members. When one of them refuses to go to things, it really affects the flow of the storylines.

Melissa wants Teresa and Jackie to at least get to a place where they can be in the same room. I don’t think that’s a tall ask. These are grown women who should be able to act the party and showcase some civility.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of New Jersey Star Melissa Gorga Says Trying To Tell Teresa Giudice She Doesn’t Agree With Her Is “The Story Of My Life”


Dolores thinks she has just the thing that will get everyone together. She’s hosting an event because she’s receiving an award for her work with breast cancer awareness. The work she’s doing is so important because during the pandemic a lot of women aren’t getting checked. It’s important for them to know that early detection is key.

Unfortunately for Dolo, Teresa won’t be in town for her event. Her daughter has a soccer tournament, so once again we won’t get to see Teresa & Jackie in the same room. This really is going to drag out all damn season. I can’t take it. Is that a new trend in Housewives? Make it stop.

When Michelle and her husband Jon Steingraber walk into the party, it’s like time stands still. It only takes Joe two seconds to summon Jonathan over to him, so they can hash things out. He’s not pussyfooting around with this. His reputation is on the line, and I’m sure he doesn’t want people thinking he owes tens of thousands of dollars.

Joe denies ever having a deal with Jonathan about anything. I get what Joe’s saying though. Why would he have to pay this random dude anything? I need more details about this. Something’s not making sense to me.


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Melissa confronts Michelle for not bringing any of this up to her at Evan’s party. It was a snake move. She went to Jennifer with this information instead of going to Melissa directly. Michelle apologizes for going to Jennifer instead because it wasn’t the right atmosphere.

Teresa Giudice Jennifer Aydin Real Housewives Of New Jersey

Jonathan says it was a miscommunication and Joe never owed him money. It kind of sounds like to me that Joe was a little sketch about the event. There was a lot of semantics about whether or not it was a real deal or a handshake deal in passing. I’ll never trust a Gorga.

Teresa gets the greenlight to continue listing her home with Michelle. This next chapter of her life has so much potential. It’s time to put the past behind her, so she can build a better future for her family.

Everyone’s playing tequila pong which is probably the last thing Jennifer needs to be doing. She can barely walk or talk at this party. She’s falling over, and this is becoming more sloppy than it is fun. The cocktail queen is living up to her namesake, that’s for sure.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of New Jersey Star Jennifer Aydin Says “I’m Not An Alcoholic, I Just Like To Have A Good Time”


Margaret’s concerned about Jennifer to the point that she tries to intervene. Where is Bill Aydin? He needs to stop whatever he’s doing and get his wife off the ground. This is concerning to watch, and watching her struggle to form sentences or even stands up is not my idea of entertainment.

Jennifer is NEXT LEVEL WASTED. Three of the men have to carry her to the car. I really hope she doesn’t get to that level again because DAMN.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]