Real Housewives Of Orange County

Real Housewives Of Orange County Season 15 Reunion Trailer Released; Covid, Quarantine, And Everyone Yells At Braunwyn Windham-Burke

All good things must come to an end, and then there’s this season of Real Housewives of Orange County. Because of the Rona, we didn’t have as many episodes produced, so that was a tiny gift to viewers. I doubt anyone will dispute it was Braunwyn Windham-Burke’s season. Not so much because she is a compelling individual, she just pulled every card in the Bravo playbook and laid them all down.

Elizabeth Lyn Vargas was supposed to be a breath of fresh air, but, was she? Elizabeth may or may not be hiding stuff about her marriage, divorce, and relationship with that dude she definitely isn’t banging. Shannon Beador’s new man was supposed to soften her attitude. Unfortunately, that ‘tude is sharper than ever and those edges are jagged – and for Christ’s sake, she asked for EGG WHITES. Our favorite scientist Kelly Dodd’s job might be on the line, because her mouth is it’s own entity. RHOC is finally over and the reunion is coming. Let’s see what we’re in for.

Were Gina Kirschenheiter and Emily Simpson, in this season? Of course they were! Gina has a new beau she is now living with and Emily’s husband Shane Simpson had his own redemption arc. But only because he was stricken with the pestilence known as COVID. Obviously the virus was merely a figment of his imagination because according to Dr. Dodd, the Rona skipped the Orange County metro area.

This season was… something. Families in crisis. Livers in peril. Gina’s hair. Hopefully the reunion can bring closure to fans who are now so befuddled, it seems the only hope is to call in Tamra Judge. Before that happens, it’s time for the Season 15 trailer. Entertainment Tonight shared the clip. First observation, did we time travel back to a 1989 Homecoming Dance? Braunwyn calls the ball and predicts everyone will come for her. She was right.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Orange County Star Kelly Dodd Implies Braunwyn Windham-Burke Staged Paparazzi Photos Of Her and Her Husband Going To A Sex Shop

On today’s menu we have Elizabeth finger-pointing in Braunie’s direction saying, “Don’t judge me with your cynical behavior…” Please note the special guest appearance by Candiace Dillard’s tissue. Elizabeth proceeds to call Braunwyn a narcissist and two-faced. It doesn’t get better for Braunie from there. Shannon gets her turn and says, “I’ve been sitting here Braunwyn, letting you talk, talk, talk.” Then Shannon accuses Braunwyn of “putting fucking lies in my mouth”.

The tragic figure known as Sean Burke arrives on stage. The one sticking beside Braunie regardless of what she does. Is he an enabler or in on it? Where is Meghan King Edmonds when you need her? Elizabeth targets Seanwyn and says, “I have a good divorce lawyer!” Isn’t her divorce going into it’s third year? Braunwyn replies, “I don’t want a divorce!” Liz hits back with, “I know, but he [Sean] might.” Point to Ms. Vargas.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Orange County Newbie Elizabeth Lyn Vargas Believes Braunwyn Windham-Burke And Sean Burke Won’t Divorce Because They Have Dirt On Each Other


Andy Cohen clocks Kelly for her damn fool mouth. He says, “You say that Covid was a way of thinning the heard?” Kelly replied, “It wasn’t meant to hurt people.” Pause for a scan of shocked faces. Andy wonders if Kelly is worried about “being on the wrong side of history“. But Kelly is all, “What do you want from me?” Anything but medical advice, darling. Then Andy tries to question Elizabeth about her cult upbringing. Elizabeth shared, “What they taught in these school books was such a brainwash.” Andy pushed for more detailed info but she just said, “Obey, obey, obey.”

We’re treated to a montage of random yelling, crying, and Andy trying to get the ladies to shut up by shouting at them. It’s like Romper Room with rhinestones. Braunwyn asks Kelly if she thinks her alcoholism is fake. Dr. Dodd doesn’t miss a beat with, “Yes. I. Do.” But so does half of America, so there’s that.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Orange County OG Vicki Gunvalson Says Middle America Can’t Relate To Braunwyn Windham-Burke; Compares Fame To A Drug


Here comes our To Be Continued moment. Shannon and her pearl headband says, “You know Braunwyn, when my daughter Stella [Beador] was 14 years old, you went up to her and said…” Elizabeth’s side comment of, “That’s horrific!” Cut to Braunwyn Botox crying and saying how sorry she is. What in hell fire did Braunwyn say to Stella?  Did she offer her a shot of vodka? Will Emily speak in part two? Does there have to be a part two? Stay tuned. Watch the trailer below.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]